Turn On/Off All Your Air Conditioners Simultaneously
You can turn on or off all air conditioner units by group simultaneously.
1.0 Turn On/Off All Your Air Conditioners Simultaneously
(Residential Air Conditioner)
Step 1
Select any air conditioner inside the group. Example,
“Living Room” in the group, “My House”.

Step 2
Tap the air conditioner name, example “Living Room” to access group status.

Step 3
Select “ALL OFF” or “ALL ON”.

Step 4
Tap “OK” to either switch all air conditioners in the same group OFF or ON.

All ON

Repeat step 1 to step 3 to turn all units OFF or ON.
2.0 Turn On/Off All Your Air Conditioners Simultaneously
(Commercial Air Conditioner)
Step 1
Select any air conditioner inside the group. Example,
“Standard Room” in the group, “Boutique Hotel”.

Step 2
Tap the air conditioner name, example “Standard Room” to access group status.

Step 3
Select “ALL OFF” or “ALL ON”.

Step 4
Tap “OK” to either switch all air conditioners in the same group OFF or ON.

All ON

Repeat step 1 to step 3 to turn all units OFF or ON.
Air conditioner needs to be connected to the Panasonic Comfort Cloud App and an internet connection is required.
The images shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual interface may vary depending on the model’s functionality and the version of Comfort Cloud App.