Message from the President (Purpose of Establishment)

写真:代表取締役社長 藤原 哲哉

Fujiwara Tetsuya, President

We will detect global changes, challenges and new trends

Our business environment is presenting many changes and challenges.
These changes and challenges mean different things in each region and country.
Under these uncertain conditions, advanced preparation and simulation are required to react to events accurately and speedily.

Panasonic Research Institute (PRI) was established in 2021.
The institute is dedicated to detecting global environmental changes, challenges, and new trends, and providing Panasonic Group companies with intelligence and data to formulate business strategies and make decisions.

We will work together with Panasonic Group companies via our members, who come from diverse backgrounds.
In our research and analysis efforts, we build external networks, such as with public organizations and specialized research institutions, in order to contribute to our clients’ success and growth.