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Lumix GH5 – huge success of the pre-sale campaign!

Warsaw, 30 March 2017  The Japanese company, having its customers in mind, began taking advance orders for its new camera on 10 February 2017. The undertaking proved very popular among photography and filming enthusiasts from the word go. The pre-sale campaign ended on 20 March with a gigantic success, which confirms how desired and much awaited Lumix GH5 is.

The first cameras are already being delivered to the end users. The pre-sale promotion was based on a benefit for the future owners of Lumix GH5 in the form of a 5-year warranty and the DMW-SFU1 software update key allowing video recording in the V-LogL mode. The software update key also activates the LUT (Look Up Table) in the camera, which makes it possible to play the films recorded on the device in the V-LogL mode.

“Already at the planning stage of the marketing and sale campaigns for the new camera we knew that Lumix GH5 was destined to become a success. Its predecessor, Lumix GH4, is considered by many experts to be the best piece of equipment they have ever worked with. This makes us even more excited to release a model which is bound to revolutionise customers’ approach to film creation and enable them to obtain perfect pictures,” Klara Ufnalewska, Public Relations Manager in the Central and Eastern Europe Region could not conceal her enthusiasm.

“A better life, a better World” — this idea accompanies Panasonic’s engineers at every step of the way. Numerous innovative devices created by this Japanese concern are the best proof of this. The masterpiece in the form of cameras from the GH series only serves to confirm this trend, which many want to follow.

Despre Panasonic

Panasonic Corporation este lider mondial în dezvoltarea de tehnologii electronice diverse şi soluţii pentru clienţi în domeniul electronicelor de consum, aplicaţiilor rezidenţiale, auto, a soluţiilor profesionale şi în industria echipamentelor. De la înfiinţarea sa în 1918, compania s-a extins la nivel global şi activează în prezent în peste 474 de sucursale şi 94 de societăţi asociate la nivel mondial, înregistrând vânzări nete totale de 56,794 miliarde EUR (7,553 trilioane JPY) în anul încheiat la 31 martie 2016. Dedicată în permanenţă atingerii unor noi valori prin inovare la toate nivelurile, compania utilizează tehnologiile proprii pentru a crea o viaţă şi o lume mai bune pentru clienţii săi.
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