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the user's voice-2

What problems were you experiencing with unwanted hair removal?

I really hated that my unwanted hair was quite dark and coarse, especially in my underarms and bikini area.

the user's voice-2

First impressions of the Panasonic IPL Hair Removal System

The first time I used the Panasonic IPL Hair Removal System, I felt a bit apprehensive. I thought it would hurt, for sure. Actually, rather than pain, it was more like a sensation of heat against my skin, and after three or four minutes, even that went away. From that point onward, I had no more concerns about my skin.

First impressions of the Panasonic IPL Hair Removal System

First session

For a week or two after my first treatment, I didn’t notice much change at all, but when three or four weeks had gone by, I started to see a difference. It was most noticeable in my underarms. The hair got finer, and the skin lost its nubbly feel. When I shaved with a razor, I was struck by how smooth my skin felt. I noticed the same effect on my bikini line. After about four weeks, the hair was not only finer, but also much slower to regrow. Before, shaving with a razor used to leave me with a “shadow” of dark dots under the skin, but since I started using the Panasonic IPL Hair Removal System, that has stopped happening, and the skin there looks lighter.

First session

Second session

After about a month, my unwanted hair got even finer, and regrowth slowed down even more. To tell the truth, when I started using the product, I thought the process would take longer, but it actually worked faster than I expected.

Second session

Results and impressions

I’m into sports: I love to swim, and in the summer I play ball games on the beach, so unwanted hair was always a stressful thing for me. Before I tried this product, I used to use a razor, but I hated getting razor burn, and having to shave every two or three days was a nuisance. I’m a real wuss about pain, and I found waxing and epilators really painful, so I stopped using them. But the Panasonic IPL Hair Removal System is pain-free, plus it’s easy to use, so it solves all my problems at once. I’m very satisfied with the results I’ve experienced using this product.
I was really thrilled to find that not only did my unwanted hair get finer and sparser, but the skin there got clearer and smoother too. My husband seems to have noticed the difference. He said “the hairs are finer and your skin looks even better than it used to. I think I’ll try using it on my beard!” Of course I replied “you’re not supposed to use this on your face!”. Although women maybe tend to be less at ease with machines, the Panasonic IPL Hair Removal System is really easy to use, so I’m sure a lot of us will take to it. And maybe some men, too, like my husband! Anyway, I’m certainly going to carry on using it.

Results and impressions

Results and impressions

More great things about the Panasonic IPL Hair Removal System

It’s really great that it’s cordless! And lightweight too! You can use it anywhere in your home, which is handy. The battery life is also good.

More great things about the Panasonic IPL Hair Removal System
the user's voice-2

Customer Review