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Sayaka Atoguchi (Professional Voice) X nanoe™ Hair Dryer EH-NA98

Sayaka Atoguchi (Professional Voice) X nanoe Hair Dryer EH-NA98 – Panasonic Philippines
Sayaka Atoguchi (Professional Voice) X nanoe Hair Dryer EH-NA98 – Panasonic Philippines

“It's great for moisturizing the scalp and
making hair manageable.”

“I usually work with hair and make-up for TV and advertising. Make-up falls short if the hair isn't shining.
That's why I'm always really focused on the moisture and luster of hair.

Simply putting the nanoe™ to the hair treats it fully with moisture. I use it when styling models on the job.
I can get the look I want even better than other ion dryers, which makes styling almost effortless.”

Sayaka Atoguchi (Professional Voice) X nanoe Hair Dryer EH-NA98 – Panasonic Philippines
Sayaka Atoguchi (Professional Voice) X nanoe Hair Dryer EH-NA98 – Panasonic Philippines


“I can stop the tips of hair from kinking and sticking out. It's totally different than anything I've used before.

Moisturizing the skin is so easy using the skin care mode with the dryer after drying the hair.”

“Many people have sensitive scalps because of stress and over-drying due to air conditioners. The scalp care mode uses gentle heat to dry hair, keeping the skin healthy and moisture in.

I recommend investing in a premium hair dryer to use every day for many years.”

Sayaka Atoguchi (Professional Voice) X nanoe Hair Dryer EH-NA98 – Panasonic Philippines

Sayaka Atoguchi

Celebrity Hair Stylist
Tokyo, Japan

Sayaka Atoguchi (Professional Voice) X nanoe Hair Dryer EH-NA98 – Panasonic Philippines

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