LUMIX S5IIX täiskaadriline hübriidkaamera DC-S5M2XC


Valitsege oma loomingulist maailma.

Kaasaegsed funktsioonid, nagu PDAF ja I.S. (pildi stabiliseerimine, i.k. Image stabilization) muudavad LUMIX S5IIX kasutamise tõeliselt rahuldust pakkuvaks elamuseks. Nautige kompaktse täiskaadrilise hübriidkaameraga veelgi paremat mobiilsust ning jäädvustage kõrge kvaliteediga fotosid ja piiramatu salvestuspikkusega videoid.
Suumi sisse
Suumi välja



Disainifilosoofiat „Shaping Emotions“ (Tundeid vormides) järgides anti LUMIX S5IIX-le ainulaadne ja kordumatu mattmust välisviimistlus.
Disainikeele LUMIX DESIGN sooviks on luua töövahendeid, mis vastavad looja kirele. Vorm ja funktsioon annavad kuju südamest tulevatele tunnetele; iga osa tundub olevat õige ja täpselt oma õiges kohas. Käed, mis on kindlad oma tegevuses, lasevad silmadel jäädvustataval objektil püsida. Ideaalset tööriista vormides oli meie eesmärgiks luua kaamera, mida teil on võimalik maksimaalse jäädvustamisrõõmu jaoks instinktiivselt ja täpselt juhtida.

LUMIX-i disainifilosoofia: tunnetele vormimine

LUMIX S5IIX uus täiesti must kujustus on mõeldud julgustama loojat keskenduma vaid objekti jäädvustamisele, unustades seejuures tema käes olevad tööriistad. Seade on loodud olema jäädvustuskeskkonnaga kooskõlas ja vältima silmateralt või loomingulisust toetavalt salvestuskandjalt peegeldumist.
LUMIX-i disainifilosoofia: tunnetele vormimine

Püsivara 2.0 täiustab agressiivseid pildistamisstiile

Kõige ambitsioonikamateks võteteks valmis

Phase Hybrid AF võimaldab teil pidevalt kiiresti ja täpselt pildistada, samal ajal kui LUMIX S5IIX kõrgetasemeline automaatse teravustamise funktsioon aitab kaasa spordi-, metsloomade ja auto-/mootorrattafotograafiale.* Lisaks võimaldab sarivõtte-eelne pildistamise funktsioon ajas tagasi minna.* Nüüd olete valmis jäädvustama seda täiuslikku hetke.
*Loomasilma/auto/mootorratta tuvastamise ja sarivõtte-eelse pildistamise funktsiooni kasutamiseks värskendage püsivara versioonile 2.0.
Kõige ambitsioonikamateks võteteks valmis

Suurepärane liikumise pealt jäädvustamiseks

LUMIX S5IIX muudab video jäädvustamise ka liikvel olles lihtsaks. Aktiivne I.S. määrab kaamera värisemise oleku ja optimeerib parandussuhteid, et kompenseerida isegi tugevat liikumist, samas kui täiustatud E.I.S.* summutab video salvestamise ajal tekkivad perifeersed moonutused. Seega on teil nüüd võimalik jäädvustada kauneid pilte isegi, kui peate kaamera töötamise ajal end kiirelt liigutama.
*Värskendage püsivara versioonile 2.0.
Suurepärane liikumise pealt jäädvustamiseks

Firmware 2.0 tutvustab LUMIXi esimesi funktsioone

Puhvervideo jäädvustamine

See uus funktsioon jäädvustab video salvestamisel madala bitikiirusega puhverfaili. Algse videosalvestusega lingitud puhverfaili samaaegne jäädvustamine võimaldab palju kiiremat teed tootmisest teostuseni.
Värskendage firmware versioonile 2.0.
Puhvervideo jäädvustamine

Adobe Camera to Cloud integratsioon Camera to Cloud abil laaditakse loodud pildid ja videod automaatselt üles, varundatakse ning antakse ühiskasutusse, mis võimaldab nende kallal pilve kaudu ühiselt töötada.
Värskendage firmware versioonile 2.0.
・ Kõik Camera to Cloud funktsioonid pole garanteeritud.
・, logo ja Camera to Cloud on Adobe registreeritud kaubamärgid või kaubamärgid Ameerika Ühendriikides ja/või teistes riikides.
Adobe Camera to Cloud integratsioon

Kõrgel tasemel visuaalne väljendusvõime

RAW-videoandmete väljund

LUMIX S5IIX võimaldab RAW-videoandmete väljutamist üle HDMI, et salvestada seda ATOMOS NINJA V+, NINJA V ja Shogun CONNECT HDR monitorsalvestitel ProRes RAW-na.* Blackmagic RAW-d on võimalik salvestada ka Video Assist 12G HDR-il.**

*[ProRes RAW]・ATOMOS Ninja V+, ATOMOS Ninja V või ATOMOS Shogun CONNECT-i vastava püsivara versiooni kohta vt täpsemat teavet ATOMOS-i veebisaidilt. ・ATOMOS ATOMOS Ninja V+, ATOMOS Ninja V või ATOMOS Shogun CONNECT-iga jäädvustatud RAW-video redigeerimiseks on vajalik tarkvara, mis toetab ProRes RAW-d. V-Logi/V-Gamutiga võrdse värvigradatsiooni tegemiseks rakendage LUT-d (referentstabel), mille leiate järgmistelt klienditoesaitidelt ・Olukorrast sõltuvalt ei pruugi kõik funktsioonid olla saadaval. **[Blackmagic RAW]・Lisateabe saamiseks Blackmagic Video Assist 12G HDR-i vastava püsivara versiooni kohta vt Blackmagic Design veebisaiti. ・Blackmagic RAW-andmete esitamiseks ja redigeerimiseks on vajalik DaVinci Resolve või DaVinci Resolve Studio. Üle 3840x2160 lahutusvõimega Blackmagic RAW andmeid kasutavate projektide loomiseks on vajalik DaVinci Resolve Studio. ・Olukorrast sõltuvalt ei pruugi kõik funktsioonid olla saadaval.

RAW-videoandmete väljund

Väline USB SSD salvestamine

LUMIX S5IIX toetab USB kaudu välist SSD-d kasutades salvestamist ja taasesitamist. Lisaks on võime salvestada ProRes 422 HQ (maksimaalselt 1,9 Gbps) ja 4:2:2 10-bitist All-Intrat otse SSD-dele, mis ühendab endas portatiivsust ja suurt mahutavust, parandanud andmete varundamise ja järeltöötlemise tõhusust.
Väline USB SSD salvestamine

Otse-eeter olenemata kohast ja ajast

Valige oma eelistatud voogesituslahendus, millega reaalajas otseesitust teha! Väljas asudes, saab rakendusega LUMIX Sync luua lihtsalt juhtmeta otsevoogesituse (RTMP/RTMPS). Siseruumides on võimalik kasutada ka väga stabiilset juhtmega otsevoogesitust (RTP/RTSP).

・Põhimõtteliselt on võimalik otsevoogesitus RTMP-/RTMPS-ga ühilduvatele platvormidele (ühilduvust kõigi platvormidega pole võimalik garanteerida). Eksisteerivad olukorrad, kus otsevoogesitus pole platvormi teenuse muutmise ajal võimalikud. Lisateavet leiate platvormi tingimustest. ・Kuna reaalajas voogesituse edastuskiirus oleneb veebikeskkonnast, nutitelefoni jõudlusest jms, soovitame teil edastust eelnevalt testida. ・ DC-S5IIX USB Type C-terminali LAN-terminaliks teisendamiseks on vaja kaubanduses saada olevat USB-etherneti-adapterit. USB-etherneti-adapteri ühilduvused:

Otse-eeter olenemata kohast ja ajast

Soojuse haldamine piiramatu salvestusaja saavutamiseks

4:2:2 10-bitine C4K/4K 60p/50p piiramatu salvestusaeg.* S5-le võrdväärse kompaktse korpusega LUMIX S5llX-i uus optimeeritud soojushajutusstruktuur võimaldab pikaajalist salvestamist isegi suurte koormuste tingimustes (näiteks kõrge eraldusvõimega video üle 4K, HFR-video).
*Soovitatud töötemperatuurist (0 kuni 40 kraadi) kõrgema või madalama temperatuuri juures kasutamisel võib kaamera lõpetada salvestamise.
Järgmiste seadistuste puhul, kui katkematu jäädvustamise aeg ületab 30 minutit, jäädvustamine lõppeb; [MOV] [6K/29.97p] [6K/25.00p] [5.9K/29.97p] [5.9K/25.00p] või [ProRes] [5.8K/29.97p] [5.8K/25.00p] [C4K/59.94p] [C4K/50.00p], kui soojushaldusrežiim on seatud standardseadele.
Soojuse haldamine piiramatu salvestusaja saavutamiseks

LUMIX-i värviteaduse tehnoloogia

LUMIXi pühenduvus ülimale pildikvaliteedile

Uus mootor pakub veelgi loomutruumaid värve, peenemat lahutusvõimet ja loomulikku kolmemõõtmelist efekti ning summutab koos tehnoloogiaga Dual Native ISO mõjusalt müra isegi, kui jäädvustatakse ülitundlikke vaateid, tuues kaunilt esile isegi tumedaid.
LUMIXi pühenduvus ülimale pildikvaliteedile

Lihtne värvide gradeerimine REAL TIME LUT-iga

Fotosid ja videoid, millele on lisatud LUT, on võimalik jäädvustada sisemiselt ilma spetsiaalset tarkvara kasutamata. Isegi, kui teil pole spetsiifilisi redigeerimisoskusi, aitab kaamera teil laiendada oma väljendusulatust nii palju kui seda soovite.
Lihtne värvide gradeerimine REAL TIME LUT-iga

Seotud tooted

Kõrge kvaliteediga fotosid ja videoid võimaldavad objektiivid

LUMIX S-seeria pakub erakordset ja võrratut optilist jõudlust, liikuvust ja kasutatavust. Isegi objektiive vahetades on pildid kõrge kvaliteediga kunstiteoste jaoks stabiilse viimistlusega.
Kõrge kvaliteediga fotosid ja videoid võimaldavad objektiivid

LUMIX S5 seeria mudelid

Teil on võimalik valida kas LUMIX S5IIX, mis pakub veelgi kõrgemat visuaalset kvaliteeti, või LUMIX S5II, mis on suunatud foto- ja videoloojate laiemale auditooriumile.
LUMIX S5 seeria mudelid

Voolav olek — jäädvustatud LUMIX S5IIX-ga

Sisuloomeprojekt, mis seadis kolme sisulooja ette ülesande nihutada LUMIX S5IIX-ga oma loomepiire.
Voolav olek — jäädvustatud LUMIX S5IIX-ga


Tehnilised andmed

Foto LUMIX S5IIX täiskaadriline hübriidkaamera DC-S5M2XC

Suurus ja kaal


Kõik väärtused on ligikaudsed. Kaal koos SD-kaardi ja akuga. Ei sisalda objektiivi. Ainult korpus 657 g. Mõõtmed ei sisalda eenduvaid osi.

  • L-MountL-Mount
  • 24,2 megapikslit24,2 megapikslit
  • Phase Hybrid AFPhase Hybrid AF
  • Active I.S. -tehnoloogiaActive I.S. -tehnoloogia
  • C4K/4K 4:2:2 10-bitine 60p/50p videoC4K/4K 4:2:2 10-bitine 60p/50p video
  • HFR/VFR 10-bitine VideoHFR/VFR 10-bitine Video
  • V-LogV-Log
  • RAW videoandmete väljundRAW videoandmete väljund
  • OtsevoogesitusOtsevoogesitus
  • 1,84 miljoni punktiga vabalt pööratav ekraan1,84 miljoni punktiga vabalt pööratav ekraan
  • 3,68 miljoni piksline OLED reaalajas töötav pildinäidik3,68 miljoni piksline OLED reaalajas töötav pildinäidik
  • Pritsme- ja tolmukindelPritsme- ja tolmukindel

Uus Dual Native ISO tehnoloogiaga 24,2 MP pildiandur ja uue põlvkonna mootor

Phase Detection AF ja Active I.S. Tehnoloogia

C4K/4K 60p/50p 4:2:2 10-bitine piiramatu salvestamine

RAW-videoandmete väljund, ProRes video, All-Intra video ja väline USB-SSD salvestamine


  • Type

    • Digital Single Lens Mirrorless camera
  • Lens mount

    • L-Mount


  • Type

    • 35mm full-frame (35.6mm x 23.8mm) CMOS sensor
  • Camera effective pixels / Total pixels

    • 24.20 megapixels / 25.28 megapixels
  • AR (Anti Reflection) coating

    • Yes
  • Aspect ratio / Color filter

    • 3:2 / Primary color filter
  • Dust reduction system

    • Image sensor shift type


  • 14+ stops (V-Log)


  • Recording file format

    • JPEG (DCF, Exif 2.31), RAW
  • Aspect ratio

    • 4:3 / 3:2 / 16:9 / 1:1 / 65:24 / 2:1
  • File size (pixels) when using full-frame lenses

    • 3:2
      • 6000x4000(L) / 4272x2848(M) / 3024x2016(S) / 12000x8000(XL)* / 8496x5664(LL)* *High Resolution mode.
    • 4:3
      • 5328x4000(L) / 3792x2848(M) / 2688x2016(S) / 10656x8000(XL)* / 7552x5664(LL)* *High Resolution mode.
    • 16:9
      • 6000x3368(L) / 4272x2400(M) / 3024x1704(S) / 12000x6736(XL)* / 8496x4784(LL)* *High Resolution mode.
    • 1:1
      • 4000x4000(L) / 2848x2848(M) / 2016x2016(S) / 8000x8000(XL)* / 5664x5664(LL)* *High Resolution mode.
    • 65:24
      • 6000x2208(L)
    • 2:1
      • 6000x3000(L)
  • File size (pixels) when using APS-C/Super 35mm lenses

    • 3:2
      • 3984x2656(L) / 2880x1920(M) / 2064x1376(S)
    • 4:3
      • 3536x2656(L) / 2560x1920(M) / 1840x1376(S)
    • 16:9
      • 3984x2240(L) / 2880x1624(M) / 1920x1080(S)
    • 1:1
      • 2656x2656(L) / 1920x1920(M) / 1376x1376(S)
  • Image quality

    • RAW / RAW+Fine / RAW+Standard / Fine / Standard (High Resolution mode: Combined / RAW / RAW+Fine / Fine)
  • Color space

    • sRGB, AdobeRGB


  • Recording file format

    • MOV: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.265/HEVC, Apple ProRes
      MP4: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.265/HEVC
  • Audio format

    • MOV: LPCM (2ch 48kHz/24-bit, 96kHz/24-bit*) (4ch 48kHz/24-bit**, 96kHz/24-bit**)
      MP4: AAC (2ch 48kHz/16-bit)
      *When attaching Φ3.5mm microphone or DMW-XLR1 (sold separately). **When attaching DMW-XLR1 (sold separately).
  • System frequency

    • 59.94Hz / 50.00Hz / 24.00Hz
  • Image area of video

    • Full / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL
  • Proxy (*⁶)

    • ON / OFF
      Proxy Rec Quality: H / M / L
      Real Time LUT (Proxy): ON / OFF
      *When the following functions are being used, proxy recording is not available: [MP4], [Rec Quality] exceeding a resolution of C4K, [Rec Quality] with [4:3] or [3:2] aspect ratio, [Rec Quality] with a high frame rate video, [HDMI RAW Data Output] and [Streaming].
  • MOV / 59.94Hz / FULL (*HLG is selectable.) (*¹) (*²)

    • [6K] 5952x3968 (3:2)
      • 29.97p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [6K] 5952x3136 (17:9)
      • 29.97p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [5.9K] 5888x3312 (16:9)
      • 29.97p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 29.97p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 29.97p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 119.88p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        119.88p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        119.88p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
  • MOV / 59.94Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL (*HLG is selectable.) (*¹) (*²)

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 59.94p, 800Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        59.94p, 600Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 800Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        47.95p, 600Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 59.94p, 800Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        59.94p, 600Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 800Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        47.95p, 600Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [3.3K] 3328x2496 (4:3)
      • 47.95p, 800Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        47.95p, 600Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 119.88p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        119.88p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        119.88p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)*
        59.94p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        59.94p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        47.95p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *When Image Area of Video is set to APS-C.
  • MOV / 50.00Hz / FULL (*HLG is selectable.) (*¹) (*²)

    • [6K] 5952x3968 (3:2)
      • 25.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [6K] 5952x3136 (17:9)
      • 25.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [5.9K] 5888x3312 (16:9)
      • 25.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 25.00p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 25.00p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 100.00p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        100.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        100.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
  • MOV / 50.00Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL (*HLG is selectable.) (*¹) (*²)

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 50.00p, 800Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        50.00p, 600Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 50.00p, 800Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        50.00p, 600Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [3.3K] 3328x2496 (4:3)
      • 50.00p, 800Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        50.00p, 600Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 100.00p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        100.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        100.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)*
        50.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        50.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *When Image Area of Video is set to APS-C.
  • MOV / 24.00Hz / FULL (*HLG is selectable.) (*¹) (*²)

    • [6K] 5952x3968 (3:2)
      • 24.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [6K] 5952x3136 (17:9)
      • 24.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [5.9K] 5888x3312 (16:9)
      • 24.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 24.00p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 24.00p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
  • MOV / 24.00Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL (*HLG is selectable.) (*¹) (*²)

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 48.00p, 800Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        48.00p, 600Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 48.00p, 800Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        48.00p, 600Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [3.3K] 3328x2496 (4:3)
      • 48.00p, 800Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        48.00p, 600Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 48.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        48.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        24.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
  • ProRes / 59.94Hz / FULL (*¹) (*²)

    • [5.8K] 5776x3056 (17:9)
      • 29.97p, 1.9Gbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 1.3Gbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        23.98p, 1.6Gbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 1.0Gbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 29.97p, 972Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 648Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        23.98p, 778Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 519Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p, 454Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 302Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 227Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 151Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 181Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 121Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
  • ProRes / 59.94Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL (*¹) (*²)

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 59.94p, 1.9Gbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 1.3Gbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        29.97p, 972Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 648Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        23.98p, 778Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 519Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [3.3K] 3328x2496 (4:3)
      • 29.97p, 913Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 609Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        23.98p, 730Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 487Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p, 454Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 302Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        29.97p, 227Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 151Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        23.98p, 181Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 121Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
  • ProRes / 50.00Hz / FULL (*¹) (*²)

    • [5.8K] 5776x3056 (17:9)
      • 25.00p, 1.6Gbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 1.1Gbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 25.00p, 811Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 541Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p, 378Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 252Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 189Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 126Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
  • ProRes / 50.00Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL (*¹) (*²)

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 50.00p, 1.6Gbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 1.1Gbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        25.00p, 811Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 541Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [3.3K] 3328x2496 (4:3)
      • 50.00p, 1.5Gbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 1.0Gbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        25.00p, 761Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 508Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p, 378Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 252Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
        25.00p, 189Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 126Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
  • ProRes / 24.00Hz / FULL (*¹) (*²)

    • [5.8K] 5776x3056 (17:9)
      • 24.00p, 1.6Gbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 1.0Gbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 24.00p, 779Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 519Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 24.00p, 182Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 121Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
  • ProRes / 24.00Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL (*¹) (*²)

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 24.00p, 779Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 519Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [3.3K] 3328x2496 (4:3)
      • 24.00p, 731Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 487Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 24.00p, 182Mbps (ProRes 422 HQ) / 121Mbps (ProRes 422) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)
  • MP4 / 59.94Hz / FULL (*¹)

    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 29.97p, 72Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        23.98p, 72Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        29.97p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        23.98p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p, 28Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        29.97p, 20Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        23.98p, 24Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
  • MP4 / 59.94Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL (*¹)

    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 59.94p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        29.97p, 72Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        23.98p, 72Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        29.97p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        23.98p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p, 28Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        29.97p, 20Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        23.98p, 24Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
  • MP4 / 50.00Hz / FULL (*¹)

    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 25.00p, 72Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        25.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p, 28Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        25.00p, 20Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
  • MP4 / 50.00Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL (*¹)

    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 50.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        25.00p, 72Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP)* (H.265/HEVC, AAC) *HLG is selectable.
        25.00p, 100Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p, 28Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
        25.00p, 20Mbps (4:2:0 8-bit LongGOP) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC)
  • MP4 / 24.00Hz / FULL (*¹)

    • -
  • MP4 / 24.00Hz / APS-C / PIXEL/PIXEL (*¹)

    • -


  • MOV / 59.94Hz / FULL (*¹)

    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)**
        59.94p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)**
        29.97p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)**
        23.98p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *Angle of view narrows if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 151 or more.
        **External USB-SSD recording.
  • MOV / 59.94Hz / APS-C (*¹)

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 29.97p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        29.97p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        23.98p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 29.97p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        29.97p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        23.98p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)**
        59.94p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        29.97p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)**
        29.97p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        23.98p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)**
        23.98p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *Angle of view narrows if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 151 or more.
        **External USB-SSD recording.
  • MOV / 50.00Hz / FULL (*¹)

    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)**
        50.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)**
        25.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *Angle of view narrows if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 151 or more.
        **External USB-SSD recording.
  • MOV / 50.00Hz / APS-C (*¹)

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 25.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        25.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 25.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        25.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)**
        50.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        25.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)**
        25.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *Angle of view narrows if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 151 or more.
        **External USB-SSD recording.
  • MOV / 24.00Hz / FULL (*¹)

    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 24.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)**
        24.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *Angle of view narrows if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 151 or more.
        **External USB-SSD recording.
  • MOV / 24.00Hz / APS-C (*¹)

    • [C4K] 4096x2160
      • 24.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        24.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 24.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 400Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)*
        24.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 60fps), 150Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *External USB-SSD recording.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 24.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 200Mbps (4:2:2 10-bit ALL-Intra) (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, LPCM)**
        24.00p (Maximum output of sensor is 180fps)*, 100Mbps (4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP) (H.265/HEVC, LPCM)
        *Angle of view narrows if you select a frame rate with a number of frames 151 or more.
        **External USB-SSD recording.


  • Yes (ON / OFF)


  • Compatible external devices

    • ATOMOS HDMI field monitor/recorder "Ninja V+" / "Ninja V" / "Shogun CONNECT"
      *Please refer to the ATOMOS website for the information on the corresponding firmware version of ATOMOS Ninja V+, ATOMOS Ninja V or ATOMOS Shogun CONNECT.
      *Software that supports ProRes RAW is required to edit RAW video recorded with ATOMOS Ninja V+ or ATOMOS Ninja V. Apply the LUT (Look up table) available on the following customer supports site to make the same color grading as V-Log/V-Gamut
      *All functions may not be available depending on the situation.

      Blackmagic Video Assist 5" 12G HDR, Blackmagic Video Assist 7" 12G HDR
      *Please refer to the Blackmagic Design website for the information on the corresponding firmware version of the Blackmagic Video Assist 12G HDR.
      *DaVinci Resolve or DaVinci Resolve Studio is required to play back and edit Blackmagic RAW data. DaVinci Resolve Studio is required to deliver projects using Blackmagic RAW data in resolutions over 3840x2160.
      *All functions may not be available depending on the situation.
  • Rec quality / 59.94Hz / FULL

    • [5.9K] 5888x3312 (16:9)
      • 29.97p, 12-bit (LPCM)
        23.98p, 12-bit (LPCM)
  • Rec quality / 59.94Hz / APS-C

    • [4.1K] 4128x2176 (17:9)
      • 59.94p, 12-bit (LPCM)
        29.97p, 12-bit (LPCM)
        23.98p, 12-bit (LPCM)
    • [3.5K] 3536x2656 (4:3)
      • 29.97p, 12-bit (LPCM)
        23.98p, 12-bit (LPCM)
  • Rec quality / 50.00Hz / FULL

    • [5.9K] 5888x3312 (16:9)
      • 25.00p, 12-bit (LPCM)
  • Rec quality / 50.00Hz / APS-C

    • [4.1K] 4128x2176 (17:9)
      • 50.00p, 12-bit (LPCM)
        25.00p, 12-bit (LPCM)
    • [3.5K] 3536x2656 (4:3)
      • 50.00p, 12-bit (LPCM)
        25.00p, 12-bit (LPCM)
  • Audio format

    • LPCM (2ch 48kHz/24-bit, 96kHz/24-bit*) (4ch 48kHz/24-bit**, 96kHz/24-bit**)
      *When attaching Φ3.5mm microphone or DMW-XLR1 (sold separately). **When attaching DMW-XLR1 (sold separately).


  • Wi-Fi / Protocol

    • RTMP / RTMPS
  • Wi-Fi / 59.94Hz

    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p, 16Mbps* / 8Mbps (H.264) *Not selectable when RTMPS is set.
        29.97p, 6Mbps / 3Mbps (H.264)
    • [HD] 1280x720
      • 59.94p, 6Mbps (H.264)
        29.97p, 4Mbps (H.264)
  • Wi-Fi / 50.00Hz

    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p, 16Mbps* / 8Mbps (H.264) *Not selectable when RTMPS is set.
        25.00p, 6Mbps / 3Mbps (H.264)
    • [HD] 1280x720
      • 50.00p, 6Mbps (H.264)
        25.00p, 4Mbps (H.264)
  • USB Tethering / Protocol

    • RTMP / RTMPS
  • USB Tethering / 59.94Hz

    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 29.97p, 12.5Mbps (H.264)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p, 16Mbps / 8Mbps (H.264)
        29.97p, 6Mbps / 3Mbps (H.264)
    • [HD] 1280x720
      • 59.94p, 6Mbps (H.264)
        29.97p, 4Mbps (H.264)
  • USB Tethering / 50.00Hz

    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 25.00, 12.5Mbps (H.264)
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p, 16Mbps / 8Mbps (H.264)
        25.00p, 6Mbps / 3Mbps (H.264)
    • [HD] 1280x720
      • 50.00p, 6Mbps (H.264)
        25.00p, 4Mbps (H.264)
  • Wired LAN / Protocol

    • RTP / RTSP
  • Wired LAN / 59.94Hz

    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 59.94p, 50Mbps / 25Mbps (H.265)*
        59.94p, 50Mbps / 25Mbps (H.264)*
        29.97p, 25Mbps / 12.5Mbps (H.265)
        29.97p, 25Mbps / 12.5Mbps (H.264)
        *When Image Area of Video is set to APS-C or PIXEL/PIXEL.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 59.94p, 20Mbps / 16Mbps (H.265)
        59.94p, 16Mbps / 8Mbps (H.264)
        29.97p, 12Mbps / 6Mbps (H.265)
        29.97p, 6Mbps / 3Mbps (H.264)
    • [HD] 1280x720
      • 59.94p, 6Mbps (H.264)
        29.97p, 4Mbps (H.264)
  • Wired LAN / 50.00Hz

    • [4K] 3840x2160
      • 50.00p, 50Mbps / 25Mbps (H.265)*
        50.00p, 50Mbps / 25Mbps (H.264)*
        25.00p, 25Mbps / 12.5Mbps (H.265)
        25.00p, 25Mbps / 12.5Mbps (H.264)
        *When Image Area of Video is set to APS-C or PIXEL/PIXEL.
    • [FHD] 1920x1080
      • 50.00p, 20Mbps / 16Mbps (H.265)
        50.00p, 16Mbps / 8Mbps (H.264)
        25.00p, 12Mbps / 6Mbps (H.265)
        25.00p, 6Mbps / 3Mbps (H.264)
    • [HD] 1280x720
      • 50.00p, 6Mbps (H.264)
        25.00p, 4Mbps (H.264)


  • Type

    • OLED Live View Finder
  • Pixels

    • Approx. 3.68 million dots
  • Field of view / Magnification

    • Approx. 100% / Approx. 0.78x with 50 mm lens at infinity; -1.0 m-1, when the aspect ratio is set to 3:2
  • Eye point / Diopter adjustment

    • Approx. 21 mm at infinity; -1.0 m-1 / -4.0 - +2.0 (dpt)
  • Eye sensor

    • Yes
  • Display speed

    • 120fps / 60fps


  • Type

    • TFT LCD monitor with static touch control
  • Monitor size

    • Free-angle, 3.0-inch (7.6cm), 3:2 aspect
  • Pixels

    • Approx. 1.84 million dots
  • Field of view

    • Approx. 100%


  • -

FOCUS (*³)

  • Type

    • Phase Detection AF system / Contrast AF system
  • DFD technology

    • Yes
  • Focus mode

    • AFS (Single) / AFC (Continuous) / MF
  • AF mode

    • Tracking / Full Area AF / Zone (Horizontal/Vertical) / Zone / 1-Area+ / 1-Area / Pinpoint
      *Automatic Detection can be turned ON to switch between Human / Animal / Car (*⁶) / Motorcycle (*⁶). Except when Pinpoint is set.
  • AF detective range

    • EV -6 - 18 (F1.4, ISO100 equivalent, AFS)
  • AF custom setting

    • AF Sensitivity, AF Area Switching Sensitivity, Moving Object Prediction
  • AF assist light

    • Yes
  • AF lock

    • Set the Fn button in custom menu to AF lock
  • Focus ring control

    • Nonlinear / Linear (90°/ 120°/ 150°/ 180°/ 210°/ 240°/ 270°/ 300°/ 330°/ 360°/ 720°/ 1080°/ Maximum)
  • Others

    • AF-ON, AF-ON: Near Shift, AF-ON: Far Shift, Focus Limiter, Focus Peaking, 1-Area AF Moving Speed, AF Micro Adjustment, Continuous AF (during motion picture recording), Focus/Shutter Priority, Focus Switching for Vert/Hor, AF/AE Lock Hold, AF+MF, MF Assist, MF Guide, Focus Ring Lock, Show/Hide AF Mode, Shutter AF, Half Press Shutter, Quick AF, Eye Sensor AF, Loop Focus Frame, Enlarged Live Display (Video), Touch Shutter, Touch AF/AE Function, Touch Pad AF, Lens Focus Resum


  • Light metering system

    • 1,728-zone multi-pattern sensing system
  • Light metering mode

    • Multiple / Center Weighted / Spot / Highlight Weighted
  • Metering range

    • EV0-18 (F2.0 lens, ISO100 equivalent)
  • Mode dial

    • Program AE (P) / Aperture Priority AE (A) / Shutter Priority AE (S) / Manual Exposure (M) / Creative Video (P/A/S/M)* / Slow&Quick / Custom 1, 2, 3 / Intelligent Auto
      *The same exposure operations as P/A/S/M mode is available.
  • Exposure compensation

    • 1/3 EV step ±5EV (±3EV for motion picture)
  • ISO sensitivity (Standard output sensitivity)

    • [Normal]
      Auto / 50* / 100-51200 / 102400* / 204800* (1/3 or 1 EV step) *Extended ISO

      Auto / 320* / 640-51200 (1/3 or 1 EV step) *Extended ISO

      Auto / 400-51200 / 102400* / 204800* (1/3 or 1 EV step) *Extended ISO
  • Dual Native ISO

    • [Normal]
      Native ISO: 100, 640
      Auto: Auto / 50* / 100-51200 / 102400* / 204800* *Extended ISO
      Low: Auto / 50* / 100-800 *Extended ISO
      High: Auto / 320* / 640-51200 / 102400* / 204800* *Extended ISO

      Native ISO: 640, 4000
      Auto: Auto / 320* / 640-51200 *Extended ISO
      Low: Auto / 320* / 640-5000 *Extended ISO
      High: Auto / 2000* / 4000-51200 *Extended ISO

      Native ISO: 400, 2500
      Auto: Auto / 400-51200 / 102400* / 204800* *Extended ISO
      Low: Auto / 400-3200
      High: Auto / 2500-51200 / 102400* / 204800* *Extended ISO

      [Cinelike D2 / Cinelike V2]
      Native ISO: 200, 1250
      Auto: Auto / 100* / 200-51200 / 102400* / 204800* *Extended ISO
      Low: Auto /100* / 200-1600 *Extended ISO
      High: Auto / 640* / 1250-51200 / 102400* / 204800* *Extended ISO
  • AE lock

    • Set the Fn button in custom menu to AE lock


  • B.I.S. (5-axis / 5-stop*) *Based on the CIPA standard [Yaw/Pitch direction: focusing distance f=60mm when S-R2060 is used.]
    Dual I.S. 2 (6.5-stop*) *Based on the CIPA standard [Yaw/Pitch direction: focusing distance f=200mm when S-E70200 is used.]


  • White balance

    • AWB / AWBc / AWBw / Daylight / Cloudy / Shade / Incandescent / Flash / White Set 1, 2, 3, 4 / Color temperature setting 1, 2, 3, 4
  • White balance adjustment

    • Blue/Amber bias, Magenta/Green bias
  • Color temperature setting

    • 2500-10000K in 100K


  • Type

    • Focal-plane shutter
  • Shutter speed

    • Still image: Bulb (Max. 30 minutes), 1/8,000 - 60
      Electronic front curtain shutter: Bulb (Max. 30 minutes), 1/2,000 - 60
      Electronic shutter: Bulb (Max. 60 sec), 1/8,000 - 60
      Motion picture: 1/16,000 - 1/25
      Creative Video M mode / MF mode: 1/16,000 - 1/2
  • Self timer

    • 10sec, 3 images / 2sec / 10sec / Custom Time
  • Remote control

    • Remote control by DMW-RS2 (sold separately)
  • Silent mode / Shutter type

    • Yes / Yes (Auto / Mechanical / Electronic front curtain / Electronic / Electronic+NR)


  • AE bracket

    • 3, 5, 7 images in 1/3, 2/3 or 1 EV step, max. ±3 EV, single/burst
  • Aperture bracket

    • 3, 5 or all positions
  • Focus bracket

    • 1 to 999 images, focus steps can be set in 10 levels
  • White balance bracket

    • 3 images in blue/amber axis or in magenta/green axis, color temperature setting


  • Burst speed

    • Mechanical shutter / Electronic front curtain shutter
      • H: 9 frames/sec (AFS/MF), 7 frames/sec (AFC) (with Live View)
        M: 5 frames/sec (AFS/MF) (with Live View), 5 frames/sec (AFC) (with Live View)
        L: 2 frames/sec (AFS/AFC/MF) (with Live View)
    • Electronic shutter
      • SH30: 30 frames/sec (AFS/AFC/MF)
        SH30 PRE: 30 frames/sec (AFS/AFC/MF) (*⁶)
        H: 9 frames/sec (AFS/MF), 8 frames/sec (AFC) (with Live View)
        M: 5 frames/sec (AFS/MF) (with Live View), 5 frames/sec (AFC) (with Live View)
        L: 2 frames/sec (AFS/AFC/MF) (with Live View)
  • Number of recordable images

    • H/M/L*
      RAW+JPEG: More than 200 images
      RAW: More than 200 images
      JPEG: More than 300 images
      *Until the burst shooting speed slows. When recording is performed under the test conditions specified by Panasonic.
      *When using a card with SD Speed Class with "UHS-II UHS Speed Class 3 (U3)".

      RAW / RAW+JPEG / JPEG: 200 images


  • Flash type

    • TTL External Flash (sold separately)
  • Synchronization speed

    • Less than 1/250 second *The guide number decreases at 1/250 second. Only when set to M mode or S mode.
  • Flash mode

    • Auto* / Auto/Red-eye Reduction* / Forced On / Forced On/Red-eye Reduction / Slow Sync. / Slow Sync./Red-eye Reduction / Forced Off *For iA only.
  • Flash synchronization

    • 1st Curtain Sync, 2nd Curtain Sync.
  • Flash output adjustment

    • 1/3EV step ±3EV
  • Wireless control

    • Yes (When using DMW-FL200L / FL360L / FL580L (sold separately)), Wireless Channel: 1ch/2ch/3ch/4ch


  • 2.0x (EX S) (When using full-frame lenses), 1.9x (EX S) (When using APS-C / Super 35mm lenses), 1.4x (EX M) *Only for still image recording.


  • Photo Style

    • Photo Style
      • Standard / Vivid / Natural / L. Classic Neo / Flat / Landscape / Portrait / Monochrome / L. Monochrome / L. Monochrome D / L. Monochrome S / Cinelike D2 / Cinelike V2 / Like709 / V-Log / REAL TIME LUT / Like2100 (HLG) / Like2100 (HLG) Full Range* / My Photo Style 1-4 (5-10)*
        *Set to ON from Show/Hide Photo Style to select.
    • Picture adjustment
      • Contrast / Highlight / Shadow / Saturation / Color Tone / Hue / Filter Effect / Grain Effect / Color Noise / Sharpness / Noise Reduction / ISO / WB / LUT
        *Adjustable settings vary depending on the Photo Style mode.
  • Filter

    • Expressive / Retro / Old Days / High Key / Low Key / Sepia / Cross Process / Bleach Bypass
  • LUT Library

    • Vlog_709 / Set 1-10
      *REAL TIME LUT in Photo Style, Apply LUT in Fn button, Apply LUT in RAW Processing, LUT View Assist in V-Log View Assist, LUT can be applied from these settings.


  • Time lapse shot

    • Yes
  • Stop motion animation

    • Yes
  • Live cropping

    • Yes (Supports cropping from 5.9K (FULL) 30p/25p/24p video to 4K/FHD sizes)
  • SS/Gain operation

    • Shutter Duration/ISO / Angle/ISO / Shutter Duration/dB
  • Luminance level

    • 8-bit: 0-255 / 16-235 / 16-255
      10-bit: 0-1023 / 64-940 / 64-1023
  • Synchro scan

    • Yes
  • Master pedestal level

    • 31 steps
  • Color bars / 1kHz test tone

    • Yes (SMPTE / EBU / ARIB) / Yes
  • LUT view assist

    • Supported file types: .vlt, .cube
      Monitor / HDMI
  • HLG view assist

    • Monitor (MODE1 / MODE2 / OFF) / HDMI (AUTO / MODE1 / MODE2 / OFF)
  • Anamorphic desqueeze display

    • 2.0x / 1.8x / 1.5x / 1.33x / 1.30x / OFF
  • Wave form monitor / Vectorscope

    • Selectable
  • Knee control

    • Yes (in Like709 mode)
  • Red REC frame indicator

    • ON / OFF


  • Still image / Motion picture (ON/OFF)


  • Yes


  • REC

    • Exposure Comp. / Dual Native ISO / Sensitivity / White Balance / Photo Style / Apply LUT / Metering Mode / Aspect Ratio / Picture Quality / Picture Size / 1 Shot Spot Metering / Long Exposure NR / Min. Shutter Speed / 1 Shot RAW+JPG / i.Dynamic Range / Color Shading Compensation / Filter Effect / One Push AE / Touch AE / AWB Lock / Exposure Mode / Synchro Scan / AF Mode / AF Detection Setting / Detecting Subject / AF Custom Setting(Photo) / AF Custom Setting(Video) / Focus Limiter / Focus Limiter Range Set / Focus Peaking / Focus Peaking Sensitivity / 1-Area AF Moving Speed / Focus Ring Lock / AE LOCK / AF LOCK / AF/AE LOCK / AF-ON / AF-ON: Near Shift / AF-ON: Far Shift / Focus Area Set / Enlarged Live Display (Video) / Flash Mode / Flash Adjust. / Wireless Flash Setup / Drive Mode Setting / Bracketing / Silent Mode / Image Stabilizer / Shutter Type / Ex. Tele Conv. / Rec. File Format / Rec Quality / Rec Quality (My List) / Slow & Quick Setting / Time Code Display / Audio Information / Sound Rec Level Disp. / Mute Sound Input / Sound Rec Level Adj. / Sound Rec Quality / Sound Rec Level Limiter / 4ch Mic Input / XLR Mic Adaptor Setting / Sound Monitoring Channel / Image Stabilizer / E-Stabilization (Video) / Boost I.S. (Video) / Image Area of Video / Focus Transition / Live Cropping / Q.MENU / Rec/Playback Switch / Video Record / Video Record (Creative Video) / LVF/Monitor Switch / Operation Lock / Dial Operation Switch / Preview / Preview Aperture Effect / Constant Preview / Level Gauge / Histogram / Luminance Spot Meter / Frame Marker / Photo Grid Line / Live View Boost / Monochrome Live View / Night Mode / LVF/Monitor Disp. Set / Video-Priority Display / Zebra Pattern / LUT View Assist (Monitor) / LUT View Assist (HDMI) / LUT Select / HLG View Assist(Monitor) / HLG View Assist (HDMI) / Sheer Overlay / I.S. Status Scope / WFM/Vector Scope / Anamorphic Desqueeze Display / Color Bars / Focus Ring Control / AF Micro Adjustment / Lens Information / Destination Card Slot / Wi-Fi / Fan Mode / Save to Custom Mode / No Setting / Off (Disable Press and Hold) / AF-Point Scope (*⁵) / Proxy Recording (*⁶) / Restore to Default
  • PLAY

    • Magnify from AF Point / LUT View Assist (Monitor) / HLG View Assist (Monitor) / Anamorphic Desqueeze Display / RAW Processing / Delete Single / Protect / Rating 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / Copy / Rec/Playback Switch / LVF/Monitor Switch / Video Record / Video Record (Creative Video) / Night Mode / Card Slot Change / Sound Monitoring Channel(Play) / Wi-Fi / Fan Mode / Send Image (Smartphone) / LUT View Assist (HDMI) / HLG View Assist (HDMI) / No Setting / Off (Disable Press and Hold) / Send Images to (*⁶) / Restore to Default


  • USB

    • USB Type-C (SuperSpeed USB 10Gbps (USB 3.2 Gen2))
  • HDMI (*⁴)

    • HDMI
      • HDMI TypeA
        Audio: ON / OFF, MP4: 2ch, MOV: 2ch (When [4ch Mic Input] is set to OFF.), 4ch (When [4ch Mic Input] is set to ON.)
    • Monitor-through
      • 4:2:2 10bit (When [Rec Quality] is set to [4:2:2 10bit] or [4:2:0 10bit].)
        4:2:2 8bit (When [Rec Quality] is set to [4:2:0 8bit].)
    • Playback
      • 59.94Hz: C4K/60p / C4K/30p / 4K/60p / 4K/30p / 1080/120p / 1080p / 1080i / 720p* / 480p*
        50.00Hz: C4K/50p / C4K/25p / 4K/50p / 4K/25p / 1080/100p / 1080p / 1080i / 720p* / 576p*
        24.00Hz: C4K/24p / 4K/24p / 1080p
        *Only for playback.
  • Remote input

    • φ2.5mm
  • Audio

    • Build-in microphone
      • Stereo
        Wind Noise Canceller: OFF / Standard / High
    • External microphone / External audio device input
      • φ3.5mm for external microphone / external audio device
        MIC (Plug-in Power) / MIC / LINE
        Wind Cut: OFF / Low / Standard / High *When attaching 3.5mm microphone (sold separately).
        Special Mic: Stereo / Shotgun *When attaching DMW-MS2 (sold separately).
    • XLR microphone
      • Yes with DMW-XLR1 (sold separately)
    • 4ch mic input
      • Yes with DMW-XLR1 (sold separately)
    • Speaker
      • Monaural
    • Headphone output
      • φ3.5mm
  • SD card slot

    • Slot 1, Slot 2
      SD Memory Card / SDHC Memory Card* / SDXC Memory Card*
      *Compatible with UHS-I/UHS-II UHS Speed Class 3 standard SDHC/SDXC Memory Cards and UHS-II Video Speed Class 90 standard SDXC Memory Cards.


  • Count up

    • Rec Run / Free Run
  • Time code mode

    • Drop Frame / Non-Drop Frame (When system frequency [59.94Hz] is selected.)
  • HDMI time code output

    • ON / OFF


  • Auto1 / Auto2 / Fast / Normal / Slow* / OFF**
    *Not selectable when the resolution is higher than C4K, or the frame rate is higher than 60p.
    **OFF can be set when in iA/P/A/S/M mode.


  • Wi-Fi

    • 2.4GHz bands (STA/AP) (IEEE802.11b/g/n)
      5GHz bands (STA) (IEEE 802.11a/n/ac)
      Security: WPA/WPA2/WPA3
  • Bluetooth

    • Bluetooth® v5.0 (Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE))


  • Yes.
    *Dust and Splash Resistant does not guarantee that damage will not occur if this camera is subjected to direct contact with dust and water.


  • Battery

    • Li-ion Battery Pack (7.2V, 2200mAh, 16Wh) (bundled)
      USB power supply, USB power charging, USB power delivery
  • Battery life (CIPA standard)

    • When using SD memory card
      • Approx. 370 images, 1,250 images (Power Save LVF mode*) with S-R2060
        Approx. 370 images, 1,200 images (Power Save LVF mode*) with S-S50
        *Under the test conditions specified by Panasonic based on CIPA standard. When the time to get in the sleep mode is set to 1 sec.
    • When using external USB-SSD
      • Approx. 300 images with S-R2060
        Approx. 300 images with S-S50
  • Continuous recordable time (Motion picture) (*¹)

    • MP4 [4K/60p]: Approx. 90 min (APS-C), MP4 [FHD/60p]: Approx. 130 min (FULL) *When using S-R2060 / S-S50. When the battery is fully charged.
  • Actual recordable time (Motion picture) (*¹)

    • MP4 [4K/60p]: Approx. 45 min (APS-C), MP4 [FHD/60p]: Approx. 65 min (FULL) *When using S-R2060 / S-S50. When the battery is fully charged.
  • Battery grip

    • DMW-BGS5 (sold separately)


  • Dimensions (W x H x D)

    • Approx. 134.3 x 102.3 x 90.1 mm / 5.29 x 4.03 x 3.55 inch (Body only, excluding protrusions)
      Approx. 134.3 x 102.3 x 157.0 mm / 5.29 x 4.03 x 6.19 inch (with S-R2060, excluding protrusions)
      Approx. 134.3 x 102.3 x 151.8 mm / 5.29 x 4.03 x 5.98 inch (with S-S50, excluding protrusions)
  • Weight

    • Approx. 740g / 1.64 lb (Body, Hot Shoe Cover, Battery, SD Memory Card x 1) (excluding body cap)
      Approx. 657g / 1.45 lb (Body, Hot Shoe Cover) (excluding body cap)


  • Operating temperature

    • 0℃ to 40℃ (32℉ to 104℉)
  • Operating humidity

    • 10%RH to 80%RH


  • Software

    • Recording
      • LUMIX Tether
        ・This software is used to control a Panasonic digital camera from a computer. It allows you to change various settings of the camera, perform remote recording, and save remotely recorded images to the PC. Check the site below to download and install the software. (For Windows / Mac)

        LUMIX Sync
        ・This software is used to control a Panasonic digital camera from a smartphone. Check the site below to download and install the software. (For Android™ / iOS)
    • Playback / Editing
      • ・The software to process RAW file on computer is not bundled with this camera. To do this, SILKYPIX Developer Studio is available for download at Ichikawa Soft Laboratory's website using computer connected to the Internet. (For Windows / Mac)
  • Standard accessories

    • DC-S5M2X Kit
      Body Cap, Hot Shoe Cover, Cover for the Battery Grip Connector, Shoulder Strap, Battery Pack, AC Adaptor, USB Connection Cable (A-C)

      DC-S5M2XK Kit / DC-S5M2XC Kit
      Body Cap, Hot Shoe Cover, Cover for the Battery Grip Connector, Shoulder Strap, Battery Pack, AC Adaptor, USB Connection Cable (A-C), Lens Cap, Lens Hood, Lens Rear Cap

      DC-S5M2XW Kit
      Body Cap, Hot Shoe Cover, Cover for the Battery Grip Connector, Shoulder Strap, Battery Pack, AC Adaptor, USB Connection Cable (A-C), Lens Cap x 2, Lens Hood x 2, Lens Rear Cap x 2

      ・The Operating Instructions for advanced features is available for downloaded at Panasonic LUMIX Customer Support Site using PC, smartphone or tablet connected to the Internet.


  • (*1) About motion picture recording

    - The cards that can be used for recording vary depending on the motion pictures bit rate and format type.
    Motion pictures with 72Mbps or less: External USB-SSD, SD memory card with SD Speed Class with Class 10 or Video Speed Class 10 or higher
    Motion pictures with 200Mbps or less: External USB-SSD, SD memory card with UHS-I / UHS-II UHS Speed Class 3 (U3) or Video Speed Class 30 or higher
    Motion pictures with 400Mbps or less: External USB-SSD, SD memory card with Video Speed Class 60 or higher
    Motion pictures with 600Mbps or less: External USB-SSD, SD memory card with Video Speed Class 90
    Motion pictures with 800Mbps or more or ProRes: External USB-SSD

    - A new file will be created to continue recording if the continuous recording time exceeds the following conditions.
    Motion pictures with less than 72Mbps: 30 minutes
    Motion pictures with 72Mbps or more: 3 hours 4 minutes

    - A new file will be created to continue recording if the file size exceeds the following conditions.
    [MP4] in [FHD]: 4GB
    [MP4] in [4K]: 96GB
    [MOV] in 600Mbps or less: 192GB
    [MOV] in 800Mbps: 640GB
    [ProRes] in [5.7K]: 640GB

    - If the resolution is higher than C4K, the frame rate is higher than 60p or set to ProRes, the camera may stop the recording to protect itself. Wait until the camera cools down.
    - Recording stops when the continuous recording time exceeds 30 minutes with the following settings.
    [MOV] in [6K/29.97p] [6K/25.00p] [5.9K/29.97p] [5.9K/25.00p] when Thermal Management mode is set to Standard.
    [ProRes] in [5.8K/29.97p] [5.8K/25.00p] [C4K/59.94p] [C4K/50.00p] when Thermal Management mode is set to Standard.

    (*2) High-res audio is selectable only when attaching Φ3.5mm microphone or DMW-XLR1 (sold separately).

    (*3) About AF
    - Automatic Detection is not available for High Frame Rate video shooting above 60p (100p or 120p).
    - Tracking and Automatic Detection are not available when using HDMI cable or USB connection cable for High Frame Rate video shooting (100p or 120p) above 60p.

    (*4) To output motion pictures with 4K or higher, use a Premium High Speed HDMI cable (Type A - Type A plug).

    (*5) Firmware must be updated to version 1.3.

    (*6) Firmware must be updated to version 2.0.

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LUMIX S5IIX täiskaadriline hübriidkaamera DC-S5M2XC