ER-CFB1 näo-, habeme- ja sügavpuhastusharjad, kolm-ühes peaotsak habemele ja nahale

Foto ER-CFB1 näo-, habeme- ja sügavpuhastusharjad, kolm-ühes peaotsak habemele ja nahale


  • Facial Exfoliation Brush: Face
    Cleansing Brush for Beards: Beard
    Deep Clean Brush: Nose/Chin

Speed (Vibration Per Minute)

  • Approx. 3,000

Water Proof

  • Yes

Operating Time

  • ER-CBL1: Approx. 50 min*
    ER-CBN1: Approx. 40 min*

Charge Time

  • 1 hour*

Dimensions (H×W×D) with Connector

  • Facial Exfoliation Brush/Cleansing Brush for Beards: Approx. 76×53×48mm
    Deep Clean Brush: Approx. 92×45×45mm

Weight with Connector

  • Facial Exfoliation Brush/Cleansing Brush for Beards: Approx. 55g
    Deep Clean Brush: Approx. 50g

Frequency of Use (Guideline)

  • Facial Exfoliation Brush/Cleansing Brush for Beards: Once per week
    Deep Clean Brush: Twice per week for your nose and targeted parts

Modular Personal Care System

  • Yes


  • *Based on dry using at 20℃-30℃(68℉-86℉). The operating time may differ depending on the frequency of use and the operating method.