Personal Information Protection Policy

Date of establishment: April 1, 2005
Date of revision: April 1, 2022

In accordance with the Panasonic Group Basic Management Policy, Panasonic Holdings Corporation ("we") believe that it is important to properly protect and handle the personal information of customers, business partners, and other stakeholders in order to ensure customer satisfaction and trust in our products and services. Therefore, we strive to protect personal information through the policy set out below.

1. Personal Information Protection System
We continuously make officers and employees aware of the importance of protecting personal information and have established and maintain a management system for protecting personal information. In addition, we have established internal rules for the handling of personal information and are conducting proper management of personal information and striving for continuous improvement.

2. Collection and Use of Personal Information
When collecting personal information, we will use lawful and fair means as required by applicable laws and regulations, such as notifying or publicly announcing the purpose of use and other items stipulated by law, or obtaining consent where required to do so. In addition, except as permitted by applicable laws and regulations, we will use the collected personal information within the scope of the purpose of use for which the prior notice or publication was made, or prior consent has been obtained.

3. Provision or Disclosure to Third Parties
We will not provide or disclose personal information to any third party unless we have obtained any necessary prior consents or are otherwise permitted by applicable laws and regulations. We may provide or disclose the collected personal information to third party service providers to the extent necessary to help us achieve the purpose of use. In this case, we will take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure appropriate security management of the personal information provided or disclosed to the service provider.

4. Security management
We will take necessary and appropriate organizational, technical, and physical safety management measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, and/or the loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information (collectively “Incident”). In addition, if we find a problem with respect to our safety management measures, we will identify the cause of the problem and take corrective measures.

5. Establishment of a System to deal with Incident and Response in the case of Incident
We will establish a reporting and response system in order to minimize damage caused in the event of any Incident, related to the handling of personal information. In the event of any Incident, we will investigate the cause and take measures to prevent a recurrence.

6. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We will comply with applicable laws and regulations related to the protection of the personal information we handle or are responsible for, and strive to continuously improve and enhance our efforts to protect this personal information in response to changes in laws and regulations.

7. Response to inquiries
We respect your rights regarding your personal information and will respond appropriately and promptly to requests of access and correction, etc., from you regarding the handling of personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Yuki Kusumi
President, Group CEO, Group CSO
Panasonic Holdings Corporation

Any changes to this policy will be made available to you on our website.
This policy is the personal information protection policy of Panasonic Holdings Corporation. Domestic and overseas affiliated companies have their own protection policies. For details, please refer to each company's website.