About Panasonic Europe B.V.

Panasonic Europe B.V.

Panasonic operates in more than 35 countries across Europe and the CIS region and is headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands with marketing, sales and other operations located in Wiesbaden, F.R.Germany.
In Europe and the CIS Panasonic employs more than 11,000 people in sales, marketing, manufacturing, design and lifestyle research as well as R&D centres and support companies.
European business operations started in 1962, when Panasonic established its first sales office in Hamburg, F.R.Germany.

Company Name

Panasonic Europe B.V.

Office Location

WTC H-16, Zuidplein 136, 1077 XV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Chairman and CEO

Junichi Suzuki


March 1997

Chairman and CEO of Panasonic Europe B.V.

Chairman and CEO of Panasonic Europe Ltd.

Chairman and CEO - Junichi Suzuki

Panasonic Europe B.V.
WTC H-16, Zuidplein 136, 1077XV Amsterdam, Netherlands