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Wireless LAN Adaptor for Commercial AC

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Network Adaptor for Commercial Air Conditioners

The optional Wireless LAN adaptor facilitates the connection of multiple indoor units to the Panasonic Comfort Cloud App. This integration empowers you with control and monitoring functions from your mobile devices.
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Cloud Connected CAC Systems

With the Panasonic CZ-CAPWFC2 network adaptor, one or more indoor units can be connected to the Panasonic Comfort Cloud App to enable controls, monitoring, scheduling and error alerts.
Cloud Connected CAC Systems



Photo of CZ-CAPWFC2

This network adaptor allows you to control and monitor the Commercial Air Conditioning system from smartphones or tablets.

Wiring length is 1.9 m and connects to indoor unit through T10 connector and R1/R2 terminal connectors.

* Connectivity and available features vary by model. Please contact your local dealers for compatible models.

The CZ-CAPWFC2 connects to the CFC more easily than the CZ-CAPWFC1, using a QR code from the manual for a secure connection.

Input Voltage DC12 V (supplied from the T10 connector of the indoor unit)
Power consumption Max: 2.4 W
Size (H) 120 mm × (W) 70 mm × (D) 25 mm
Weight 190 g (including communication lines)
Interface Wireless LAN
Wireless LAN standard IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range 2.4 GHz band
Encryption WPA™ / WPA2™ / WPA3™
Temperature/Humidity range 0 ˚C to 55 ˚C / 20 % to 80 % (no condensation)
*Indoor use only


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