Message from the President

We at the Living Appliances and Solutions Company have been addressing societal well-being through home appliances (products) and services (experiences) underpinned by our unique technologies, focusing on the three business areas of "Food," "Household," and "Beauty and Health," which form the basis of people's lives.
In recent years, the concepts of values and lifestyles have diversified at an accelerated pace. We will never change our attitude of being close to each and every customer to propose better lifestyles that we have consistently adopted for over 100 years.
However, all the more so in an era of rapid change, we recognize our responsibility to create attractive products that will be cherished by customers over a long time, delving deeper into each customer's insights and provide Panasonic's unique and new customer experience.
We want to bring a smile to the face of each and every customer, their families, and the communities that they are connected to, through our home appliances and services.
We will evolve the manufacturing processes that we have cultivated thus far to provide systems, products, and services that will maintain long-term connections with our customers, and therefore, we will contribute to making circular lifestyles with reduced environmental impact a reality.
Shigeru Dohno
Living Appliances and Solutions Company
Panasonic Corporation