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2.0HP Deluxe Non-Inverter R32 Air Conditioner CS-N18VKH-1

CS-N18VKH-1 (2.0HP)

Deluxe Non-Inverter Aero Series Air Conditioner

To stay healthy, we take great care of what we eat and drink. Yet, air is what our body consumes the most.

As part of our commitment in bringing you Quality Air For Life, Panasonic now introduces a full range of air design solutions consisting of 4 vital categories - Complete Air Solutions.

nanoe-G, iAUTO, R32 Refrigerant, 3-Star Rating.

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2.0HP Deluxe Non-Inverter R32 Air Conditioner CS-N18VKH-1
Horse Power
Cooling Capacity
18,200 Btu/h
Comfort Technology
nanoe-G, iAUTO, R32 Refrigerant

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