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Savour Healthy & Flavourful Meals with Alkaline Ionised Water

Savour Healthy & Flavourful Meals with Alkaline Ionised Water

Savour Healthy & Flavourful Meals
with Alkaline Ionised Water

Discover how alkaline water can transform your culinary experience. Integrating it into your preparation, cooking, or drinking not only adds depth to flavours but also accentuates the umami notes of your ingredients.


Improves the taste of your beverages


Washes away contaminants for fresher & more hygienic ingredients


Extracts the umami flavours of your ingredients

Umami-Rich Professional Culinary Creations

In the pursuit of drawing out the natural, umami flavours of fresh ingredients, Chef Sam of Sushi Hibiki turns to alkaline ionised water to elevate his signature dishes. He discovers that alkaline water competently matches the quality of traditional spring water, ensuring his dishes retain their authentic taste.

Velvety chawanmushi

By using alkaline water, Chef Sam is able to create a creamy and velvety textured Chawanmushi packed with umami flavours.

Velvety chawanmushi

Fluffy & tender sushi rice

The pH 8.5 alkaline water gives Chef Sam's signature sushi rice a texture that is chewy and tender to the bite.

Fluffy & tender sushi rice

Flavour-rich cold brew green tea

With pH 8.5 alkaline ionised water, Chef Sam
extracts the flavours for his signature cold brew
green tea in just 45 minutes.

Flavour-rich cold brew green tea

More Ways to Cook Flavourful
& Healthy Food

Experience improved flavours and healthier meals as we explore six key benefits of alkaline ionised water. These simple changes will enhance your cooking experience to a whole new level.

Rich & flavourful broth

Using pH9.0 or pH9.5 when cooking enhances the depth in broths, drawing out the natural flavours of your ingredients in soups or stews.

Springy texture, perfectly cooked

Using pH9.5 water ensures springy pasta, noodles, and rice without adjusting cooking time for delightful and perfectly textured carbs.

Natural taste & vibrant colour jam

Preserve the natural flavour of fruits and reduce sourness in jams or preserves while retaining its vibrant colours for a visually delightful and flavourful spread.

Soak to remove contaminants

Soak to remove contaminants

Soaking fresh produce in pH10 water ensures contaminants are easily removed, giving you cleaner ingredients for your dishes.

Richer taste & less astringency

Richer taste & less astringency

For teas or green juices, pH9.0 water neutralises excessive acidity, lessening astringency for a fuller taste and smoother experience.

Extracts more flavours & soften beans

Extracts more flavours & soften beans

Beans become softer and release their inherent flavours more effectively, enriching dishes like red bean soup or stews.