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All about cake

All about cake

Making a cake from scratch isn’t all that difficult. Follow these simple tips and recipes to learn how:

All about cake

Lava cake

A time-saving storage hack for gooey lava cake

1. Make a 500gms lava cake batter as per your usual recipe and freeze it in aluminium cups.
2. Whenever you get a craving, all you need to do is pick out a cup from the freezer and bake it immediately for eight minutes at 200 degrees.

Watermelon cake

Watermelon cake for real!

1. Take a small whole watermelon and cut off the top and the bottom.
2. Remove the remaining skin. Once peeled, the watermelon will look like a cake base.
3. Place it on the serving plate and layer with 500ml fresh cream to create an illusion of a cake
4. Garnish with some more fruits on top. Your cake is ready to be served! Your cake is ready to be served!


Guilt-free cupcakes

1. Replace half of the oil/butter in the ingredients of your standard cupcake recipe with apple sauce.
2. The apple sauce will make your cupcakes moist and healthier!

Sponge cake

Sponge cake in a jiffy

1. Make a batter of ½ cup almond flour, 1 cup flour, 2 eggs and 1 cup sugar
2. Transfer into a cream dispenser, and it with an N2O charger
3. Using the cream dispenser, pump the batter into a plastic or microwave safe cup.
4. Microwave for 40 seconds and serve.