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Shortcut to great desserts

Shortcut to great desserts

Hosting a dinner and got no time to prepare dessert? With these simple hacks, you can prepare delightful desserts in no time.

Shortcut to great desserts

Butterscotch sauce

Three simple ingredients for a delicious Butterscotch Sauce

1. All you need is ¼ cup brown sugar, ¼ cup white sugar and ½ cup cream. Put these in a rice cooker and heat and till completely melted.
2. Your butterscotch sauce is ready. Pour over ice cream and serve!

Reuse ganache

Fix back the Ganache to reuse in your truffle

1. Did your ganache break while you were making truffle?  Don’t throw it!
2. Use a hand mixer to bring the ganache back to its original smooth glossy texture.
3. Your ganache is ready to be reused!


Scrape out the last bit of Vanilla from the pod

1. Place the vanilla in the microwave for 3 seconds. This will dehydrated vanilla, making it easier to scrape it out. Do not throw away empty pods. Instead, place them into a jar with sugar to get homemade vanilla sugar.

Pastry cups

Make pastry cups out of cookie dough

1. Invert steel muffin cups and spray them with some non-stick spray
2. Cut 500gms sugar cookie dough into rectangular pieces, place them over the inverted cups (1 piece per cup) and bake
3. Once the dough starts to bake, it will slowly run down the muffin tray and make small edible pastry cups.
4. Remove the muffin cups when fully baked and leave them to cool
7. The edible cups are now ready to be filled with fruits, ice-cream or whipped cream!


The perfect Chawamushi hack

1. Mix 3 eggs, 2 cups Dashi, ½ tsp salt, 1 tsp soy sauce, and 1 tsp Mirin in a bowl and strain the mixture through a sieve
2. Place shiitake mushrooms in 4 small cups or ramekins, and pour the egg mixture over them.
3. Cover the cups and steam at medium heat in a rice cooker for 10-15 minutes.
4. Keep piercing with a wooden spoon to check if cooked. If clear broth pours out then it is ready.
5. Sprinkle some Mitsuba leaves and cover again for 2-3 minutes.

Apple pie

Make apple pie without pie-tin

1. Take 3 apples, cut the tops and core the insides into small pieces. Marinate the pieces with some caster sugar & 20gms cinnamon powder.
2. Place the puree into the cored apples. Cover with apple crust and bake till golden brown. You apple pie is ready to serve!