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Smarter Control & Personalised Settings Anytime with Panasonic SmartApp+

Smarter Control & Personalised Settings Anytime with Panasonic SmartApp+

Smarter Control & Personalised Settings Anytime with Panasonic SmartApp+

Panasonic SmartApp+ connects your refrigerator with your smartphone to make your life smarter and more flexible.

How to setup Panasonic SmartApp+ with your refrigerator

Smart Connectivity with Your Smartphone

Customise your Prime Freeze settings with just a tap!

Customise your Prime Freeze settings with just a tap!

Use your smartphone and easily set the 3 Prime Freeze modes according to the amount or type of foods that you have. There are 10 settings you can register for your frequently prepared food!

Learn more
Flexible storage with Prime Fresh!

Flexible storage with Prime Fresh!

The default setting for Prime Fresh is optimal at -3˚C. But this has also variable temperature. So, use the app to adjust temperature easily for different types of poultry, seafood, vegetables or even drinks!

Temperature settings anywhere for each ingredients

Temperature settings anywhere for each ingredients

Temperature can be set for each compartment: fridge, freezer and Prime Fresh compartments. Set the ideal temperature for your purchased items even when you are still in the supermarket.

More ice for party use, no need to buy

More ice for party use, no need to buy

Conveniently choose the Quick Ice Making function so you are always ready for unexpected guests or parties!

No more worries for parents

No more worries for parents

Lock to kick back as your kids can never operate the control panel.

Be Notified by Your Smart Refrigerator

No more wastage of cold air

No more wastage of cold air

Get a notification when the door is left open. Freshness guaranteed and saves electricity as well.

Get ready for your much awaited foods, dessert anyone?

Get ready for your much awaited foods, dessert anyone?

Be notified when Prime Freeze has completed and the space is ready for the next meals prep!

Saves Energy Smartly with GPS Detection

Activate "Leaving Home mode" during your vacation

Activate "Leaving Home mode" during your vacation

When you leave home, the app detects your mobile GPS location information and sends a notification checking whether it should start the energy-saving operation through AI ECONAVI. It saves electricity intelligently according to the situation.

Optimising ideal temperature for bulk purchase

Optimising ideal temperature for bulk purchase

When you are at a registered supermarket, the app detects your mobile GPS location information and sends a notification checking whether it should start the pre-cooling operation through AI ECONAVI, making the fridge ready for what you bring home.

Download the Panasonic SmartApp+ Now

iOS 13.6 or above • Android™ 8.0 or above*
* iOS is the name of the OS of Apple Inc. iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the US and other countries where it is licensed for use. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. that are registered in the US and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
* Android™, Google Play™ and Google Play™ logos are registered trademarks of Google LLC.

Use the same app for your washing machine

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