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nanoe™ X Technology

nanoe™ X Technology
What is nanoe™ X

What is nanoe™ X



How nanoe™ X works

How nanoe™ X works

Benefits of nanoe™ X

Benefits of nanoe™ X

nanoe™ X technology with the benefits of hydroxyl radicals

nanoe™ X, which generate “nano-sized atomised water particles” is developed by Panasonic. It is an electrostatic atomisation technology, that collects invisible moisture in the air and applies high voltage to it to produce “hydroxyl radicals contained in water”. The decisive factor is the existence of hydroxyl radicals inside nanoe™ X.

The water particles contain huge quantity of hydroxyl radicals. They are highly reactive molecules that react easily on a variety of substances, deodorising and inhibiting viruses and bacteria.

Hydroxyl radicals are generally described as easily denatured through their binding to various substances in the air and very short lived.

However, it was verified that “hydroxyl radicals contained in water” have a long life because they are contained in water and this makes their effects far-reaching.

Panasonic’s “hydroxyl radicals contained in water” has been researched and developed for more than 20 years, establishing its brand name as “nanoe™ X”.

Outside your home, beyond borders

Enjoy quality air at home and in other interior environments. The effectiveness of nanoe™ X technology has been verified in many countries and it is used in a broad range of public and commercial facilities.

Outside your home, beyond borders

Worldwide verification of the effectiveness of nanoe™ X technology

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Worldwide verification of the effectiveness of nanoe™ X technology

The effects of nanoe™ X have been recognized by experts

The effects of nanoe™ X have been recognized by experts

Bringing nature’s balance indoors nanoe™ X - technology with the benefits of hydroxyl radicals

Abundant in nature, hydroxyl radicals have the capacity to inhibit pollutants. nanoe™ X technology can bring these incredible benefits indoors, helping keep hard surfaces, soft furnishings and the whole indoor environment clean, and making it a more pleasant place to be.

In today’s health-conscious world, we care about exercising, we care about what we eat and what we touch, and we care about what we breathe.

Bringing nature’s balance indoors nanoe™ X - technology with the benefits of hydroxyl radicals

A key point is that hydroxyl radicals, produced by nanoe™ X technology, are contained in water.

Hydroxyl radicals Electrostatic Contained in water (H2O)

What nanoe™ X can do

Thanks to the characteristics of nanoe™ X, pollutants can be inhibited.

nanoe™ X reaches pollutant.

nanoe™ X reaches pollutant.

Hydroxyl radicals denature pollutant proteins.

Hydroxyl radicals denature pollutant proteins.

Pollutant is inhibited.

Pollutant is inhibited.

Airborne viruses bacteriophageΦχ174 *¹

Airborne viruses bacteriophageΦχ174 *¹

Adhered viruses Influenza virus H1N1 subtype *²

Adhered viruses Influenza virus H1N1 subtype *²

*1 Airborne virus (bacteriophageΦχ174). Testing organisation: Kitasato Research Center for Environmental Science. Testing method: The number of viruses was measured after direct exposure in an approximately 25 m³-sized airtight test room. Inhibition method: nanoe™ released. Target substance: Airborne virus. Test result: At least 99.7% inhibited in 6 hours. (24_0300_1)

*2 Adhered virus (Influenza virus H1N1 subtype). Testing organisation: Kitasato Research Center for Environmental Science. Testing method: Measured the number of viruses adhered to a cloth in an approximately 1 m³-sized airtight test room. Inhibition method: nanoe™ released. Target substance: Adhered virus. Test result: At least 99.9% inhibited in 2 hours. (21_0084_1)

In addition to inhibiting certain viruses, nanoe™ X contributes to creating healthier environments with various effects

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Eliminates frequently encountered odors

Bacteria and Viruses

Bacteria and Viruses

Inhibits activity of airborne, adhered bacteria & viruses



Inhibits airborne moulds & adhered mould activity



Inhibits pet-derived allergens and major allergens



Inhibits pollens globally all year around

PM 2.5

PM 2.5

Breakdown / inhibition of hazardous substances known to be found un PM2.5



Moisturized skin & straighter, sleeker hair

Pesticide residue

Pesticide residue

nanoe™ radiated through the refrigerator breaks down pesticide.

What’s unique about nanoe™ X?

nanoe™ X inhibits bacteria and viruses, moulds, allergens, pollens, and hazardous substances, as well as deodorising. It penetrates even tightly woven fabrics, including curtains, blinds, carpets and furniture, reaches pollutants on hard surfaces, and helps clean the air that we breathe.

What’s unique about nanoe™ X?
Microscopic scale

Microscopic scale

At one billionth of a cubic metre, nanoe™ X particles are much smaller than steam particles, so they penetrate deep into fabrics to deodorise.

Longer lifespan

Longer lifespan

Contained in water, nanoe™ X hydroxyl radicals have a longer lifespan, so they disperse more widely throughout the room.

Huge volume

Huge volume

nanoe™ X Generator Mark 2 produces 9.6 trillion hydroxyl radicals per second. This increased volume of hydroxyl radicals generated by nanoe™ X translates to higher performance in inhibiting pollutants.



No maintenance, no replacement required: nanoe™ X is generated with a device made of titanium that does not require maintenance. Note: Image shows nanoe™ X Generator Mark 2

Fills space actively

Fills space actively

nanoe™ X actively fills the entire room and goes beyond the filter to inhibit adhered and airborne pollutants.

Safe and non-chemical particles

Safe and non-chemical particles

The safety of nanoe™ X has been tested in laboratories and institutions.

Product featuring Nanoe X

nanoe™ X Air Conditioner

nanoe™ X Air Conditioner

The nanoe™ X feature in Panasonic Air Conditioners will ensure healthier cooling for customers in the region.

nanoe™ X Air Purifier

nanoe™ X Air Purifier

The unique nanoe™ X air purifier leaves indoors fresh and clean with 10 times speed of the current nanoe™ air purification.

nanoe™ X Generator

nanoe™ X Generator

The portable nanoe™ X generator is easy to carry around even during travel, providing clean air anytime and anywhere.