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What is Best Vacuum for Pet Hair?

What is the Best Vacuum for Pet Hair?

What is the Best Vacuum for Pet Hair?

Do you need to remove the hair tangled in the nozzle brush frequently? You don’t enjoy removing tangled hair from the nozzle, do you?
Solve your problem with a vacuum cleaner ideal for pet hair and make your life with pets more comfortable and clean!

Before you know it... the nozzle and dust box are full of pet hair

Before you know it... the nozzle and dust box are full of pet hair

Don’t you ever get fed up with cleaning hard to get the floor clean, only to discover that the nozzle head is covered in tangled hair?
You need a vacuum cleaner that frees you from that extra cleaning task of removing the hair from the nozzle after cleaning.

Before you know it... the nozzle and dust box are full of pet hair
No tangles means easy care

No tangles means easy care

Not only does this nozzle prevent hair from getting tangled in the brush, it also works to keep hair from tangling in the rollers and shaft. That’s why the burden of cleaning becomes extremely lighter.

Learn more about Tangle-free Power Nozzle
Doesn't make your hands dirty

Doesn't make your hands dirty

Dustbin full of dust and hair is not something you want to touch. Just one button is all it takes to dispose of the dust, and since it is fully washable, it is hygienic and can be kept clean all the time.

Busy everyday trying to keep floors clean?

Busy everyday trying to keep floors clean?

It is said that humans lose about 50~100 strands of hair a day. An adult cat has about 10 times as much hair as a human, which means they shed quite an amount. It's natural for hair to be left on the floor, but fine hair can easily be left behind. You need a vacuum cleaner that does not just have strong suction power. You need what can prevent leaving dust behind, and can even keep the floors hygienic.

Busy everyday trying to keep floors clean?
House Dust Sensor prevents dust from being left behind

House Dust Sensor prevents dust from being left behind

The House Dust Sensor helps you clean even the finest hair that can be easily overlooked. The lamp alerts you of any remaining dust, so focusing on the areas where the red light shines will prevent dust from being left behind.

Learn more about House Dust Sensor
Removes bacteria on floors for a safer environment for pets

Removes bacteria on floors for a safer environment for pets

The new brush head with higher density bristles and an ion plate enables even more powerful scraping, removing 99%* or more of bacteria hiding on the floor. The brush is also antibacterial to keep germs at bay.

*[Testing Organization] Japan Food Research Laboratories [Test Strain] Staphylococcus aureus [Test Method] One back and forth sweep with the floor nozzle on wood flooring without grooves coated with the bacteria [Test Results] Bacteria elimination effect of 99% or more (our calculated value) [Date of Issue of Test Report] September 15, 2021 [Test Report Number] No. 20139632001-0301.

Pets dislike the vacuum cleaner sound

Pets dislike the vacuum cleaner sound

Do your pets run away, get scared, or sometimes even try to attack when you vacuum? That's because animals hear sounds that people cannot. You need a vacuum cleaner that does not stress out your pets.

Pets dislike the vacuum cleaner sound
Powerful but quiet operation

Powerful but quiet operation

MC-SB85K lets you vacuum quietly, so your pets can stay calm while you clean.

Keeps the pets’ stress at its minimum

Keeps the pets’ stress at its minimum

Keeping cleaning time short is ideal for your precious pets. Using the House Dust Sensor lets you efficiently clean only where you need to, leading to shortened cleaning time.

It Can Cause Sickness and Allergy

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