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Sustainability Policy

As a public entity, being in harmony with society and the global environment, we will contribute to the development of a sustainable future through our business.

1. Products, Services and Solutions

In collaboration with our global customers and partners, we will develop a sustainable future for society by creating solutions and technologies to solve social and environmental problems and thus enhance the quality of life throughout the world.

2. Workplaces and Local Communities

As a global company, we will provide opportunities for dialogue, a comfortable working environment, and a place for growth to all our employees who share our business philosophy.
We respect diverse cultures and values, and will contribute to the development of local regions with a particular focus on local issues.

3. Supply Chain

We understand the impact of our business activities on the environment and society, and will work with our suppliers to promote socially responsible procurement.

4. Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation

We will work with international organizations, governments, industry, civil society, employees, consumers, investors, NGOs, and specialists to develop proposals for public policy and global rules for industry.

5. Human Resources and Innovation

We will foster a collaborative culture to maximize the expertise and abilities of all employees. We will also provide opportunities for career development to create professionals who bring about changes in society and who create innovative solutions to solve global problems.

6. Environment

Toward achieving a sustainable society, we will strive to develop our business through the creation of environmental value. For this purpose, we will address environmental challenges through our business activities and will expand our environmental initiatives based on collaboration with stakeholders.

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