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Ready to Use Rechargeable Battery

4-Pack AA eneloop lite
Rechargeable Batteries



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It's Time to Make the Change

It's Time to Make the Change

Think eneloop, the battery combining dry-cell power and convenience with efficient NI-MH technology. Every time you recharge, you're saving the price of a replacement dry cell and a dead battery from the trash. It's like having 2,100 batteries in one. That's better for you, and better for our world.

The Best of Both Technologies

The Best of Both Technologies

Ready-to-use eneloop combines the best aspects of dry batteries and rechargeable Ni-MH technology. They’re convenient, durable, and storable for long periods, yet can be reused again and again.

The Green Certification System and eneloop

The Green Certification System and eneloop

As part of our participation in the Green Certificate System, eneloop batteries are pre-charged with solar power* prior to shipment, helping in our aim of creating a sustainable energy loop.

* Through the green power certification system.

Ready to Use After Five Years in Storage

Ready to Use After Five Years in Storage

Low self-discharge capability means you can store eneloop for up to five years and still enjoy up to 65% capacity*. This makes them ideal for use in torches and other devices stored for emergency use.

* Capacity retention based on testing method established by IEC61951-2 (7.3.2) when stored at 20oC (based on Panasonic's estimation). Varies according to conditions of use and compared with minimum capacity.

More than Double the Life

More than Double the Life

Superior design, advanced materials, and better quality control mean you can recharge your eneloop call 2,100 times – double that of our nearest competitor, and light years ahead of conventional brands*.

* IEC61951-2 (

Recharge Up to 2,100 Times

Recharge Up to 2,100 Times

Your initial investment is repaid many times over, with eneloop returning an impressive 2,100* charges during an average lifespan. Depending on frequency of use and other factors, it could be many years before you need to purchase another battery.

* Battery life based on testing method established by IEC61951-2 (

Greater Endurance in High Temperatures

Greater Endurance in High Temperatures

Improved negative alloy composition and better production techniques have resulted in exceptional anti-leak protection when eneloop is used or stored in high temperatures. By enhancing gas absorption capacity, eneloop is now 70% more resistant to leaks.

High Power and Consistent Voltage

High Power and Consistent Voltage

High power is a key feature. Conventional Ni-MH batteries are often unable to maintain minimum voltage requirements for long periods, resulting in appliance shutdown. Instead, eneloop maintains voltage right up to the moment of depletion for consistent and stable device operation.


Basic Rechargeable for Daily Use
Capacity up to 1,000 mAh
Recharge up to 3,000 times

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