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Intelligent 3-blade Shaver With A Cool Design




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Shaving sensor for 
optimum results

Shaving sensor for
optimum results

A sensor determines differences in beard density at different locations, and power is controlled to provide powerful cutting where your beard is heavy and soft cutting where it's thin. This reduces the burden on your skin for optimum shaving results.




cutting system

Three foils capture and cut hair for a close, smooth shave.


30-degree inner blades featuring nanotechnology cut the hair at its base for an even closer shave.

Fast linear motor

Fast linear motor

13,000 cycles per minute linear motor drive delivers a smooth, clean shave.

Wet/Dry shower shaving

Wet/Dry shower shaving

Enjoy the convenience of dry operation or use with form or gel for a pampering silky-smooth shave. You can even take it in the shower.

Multi-fit arc blades

Round-shaped outer foils follow the contours of your face for efficient coverage and maximum comfort. They fit uniformly against the skin, even under your chin, to provide a close shave over the entire surface.

Pop-up trimmer

The pop-up trimmer is great for grooming your moustache or sideburns. Just pop it up to trim and tuck it away when you are finished.

Water shutters

Switch open water shutters to allow water to flow freely through the unit. Shutters allow for an easy, quick cleaning of the inner blades without having to remove the outer foil.

Easy grip

Like a grip of T-shaped razor, it is easy for even electric-shaver beginners to use. For extra convenience, you can change your grip to suit the area you are shaving.


Shaving sensor for optimum shaving results
Fast linear motor 13,000 cpm
Wet/Dry shower shaving




Replacement Inner Blade



Replacement Outer Foil

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