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Ion Straightener EH-HS70

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Straightening with platinum negative ion

Ion Straightener EH-HS70


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Platinum negative ions for
long-lasting straightness

Platinum negative ions for long-lasting straightness

Platinum negative ions make it harder for hair to absorb humidity, so they keep hair straight longer. By helping to prevent your hair losing shape due to humidity, the ions offer an easy way to styling that lasts.

* The effect differs depending on the surrounding environment (season, humidity, etc.), and differences among individuals.
* Curly hair (very curly or frizzy hair) is not straightened.

Keep hair cuticle healthy for
smooth, shining hair

Keep hair cuticle healthy for smooth, shining hair

Platinum negative ions keep hair cuticle condition healthy and smoother. See the comparison image of before use and after use

* All illustrations are representations only.

Easy setting to suit your hair type

5 temperature level settings according to your hair type and your hair condition.

Even heat plat

The even heat plate can be use till the plate tip so it can straighten hair speedily.

Press plate with ceramic coating

The press plate becomes slightly depressed when pressure is applied to it, so even the small number of hair ends in layered hair do not escape being pressed.


Ion Straightener EH-HS70
Platinum negative ion
5 temperature level setting
Ceramic coating

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