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Hair Styler EH-KE30

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Enjoy multiple hairstyles with ion technology




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Create a variety of hairstyles

Create a variety of hairstyles easily

You can use the 3 attachments in various ways to enjoy creating styles to suit your mood.
1. Big Roller Brush for natural, straight hair or big curls
2. Blow Brush for natural hair
3. Blow Nozzle for overall drying

Ion conditioning for glossy hair

Ion conditioning for glossy hair

The hair dryer generates negative ions that seal in moisture and provide a protective water-resistant coating that helps preserve the style and keep hair smooth and shiny throughout the day.

*All illustrations are representations only.

3 setting modes for versatile styling

3 setting modes for versatile styling

Use the Set mode for easy styling and the Turbo Dry mode for fast drying. For a long-lasting hairstyle, use the Cool mode after styling with warm air.


Hair Styler EH-KE30
Ion conditioning for glossy hair
3 attachments
Straightener, Blow Brush, Blow Nozzle
3 setting modes for versatile styling

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    for Hair Styler EH-KE30

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