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Camcorder HC-V110

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The Handy Camcorder with Full-HD Quality and 72x Zoom

Full-HD recording and Intelligent 72x Zoom. Compact Camcorders suitable for easy recording of high quality images.



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Intelligent 72x Zoom

The V110 enables ultra-telephoto Intelligent 72x zoom shooting with a compact body. This powerful zoom brings faraway subjects right up close to capture dynamic images that fill the entire frame.

New BSI Sensor

The BSI Sensor has improved high sensitivity performance to record easy-to-see, clear images even in dimly lit situations.

8.9-megapixel Still
Picture Recording

You can shoot still picture at high resolution 8.9 megapixels.. This makes it possible to record important scenes in either video or still images.

* For images recorded with a 16:9 aspect ratio.

iA (intelligent Auto) Mode

This powerful function senses the shooting conditions and automatically makes the settings and activates functions that will deliver optimal results. iA does the bothersome settings for you and makes it easy to capture beautiful, well-focused images.

* The functions included in iA may not be applied when conditions do not call for them.

Image Stabilizer

The Image Stabilizer corrects slight hand-shake. Even high-power zoom shots, which are highly susceptible to hand-shake, now come out sharp and clear.

Eye-Fi Compatible

By using the Eye-Fi™ card, you can save files recorded on the card on a PC, or upload them to SNS via a wireless network. You can also directly transport the data to your device (smartphone, tablet etc.) without connecting another access point.

• The functions of the Eye-Fi™ card (including wireless transmission) are not guaranteed to work on this product. In the case of a malfunction of the card, please contact the card manufacturer.
• To use the Eye-Fi™ card, permission from the national or regional government is required. Do not use if you have not obtained permission. If you are unsure as to whether use is permitted, please check with card manufacturer.
• Install the software supplied with the Eye-Fi™ card in advance on your PC, and configure the Eye-Fi™ settings. (For settings methods etc., please read the card operating instructions or consult the card manufacturer)


Camcorder HC-V110
1920 x 1080
Full-HD Video Recording
72x / 38x
Intelligent Zoom / Optical Zoom
Wide-viewing Angle




Battery Pack



Battery Pack



Battery Pack



Battery Charger



Accessory Kit



Shoe Adaptor



LED Video Light (Shoe Adaptor is required separately)

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