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Juicer MJ-SJ01W

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Drink fresh juice every day, for your health.

Easy-to-make, delicious and fresh juice

is an efficient way to take in dietary fiber

and vitamins, to support your daily




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Precise and Durable Full
Metal Spinner

Precise and Durable Full Metal Spinner

The Full Metal Spinner's S-Shaped Cutter firmly holds fruit in place as it is being juiced, and centrifugal force works to eject the pulp. It squeezes more efficiently because the fruit doesn't spin. Thorough extraction is achieved by the Low-Angle Cutter, and the fine Filter Mesh separates the juice from the pulp so you always get a refreshing, thirst-quenching drink.

Large Feeding Tube

Large Feeding Tube

The feeding tube has a 75-mm diameter, large enough to fit whole fruits and veggies, so there's no need to cut them into small pieces. The large-capacity, 2-liter pulp container lets you make a lot of juice, one after the other.

120-degree Swivel Spout

120-degree Swivel Spout

When several people are sitting around the table, they can simply move the spout toward themselves for easy pouring.

Drip Stop

Drip Stop

Simply lift the spout after using it to stop any juice from dripping.


Juicer MJ-SJ01W
Large feeding tube
Max.75mm in diameter
Precise and durable full metal spinner
120--degree swivel spout

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