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Blood Pressure Monitor EW-BU15

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Blood Pressure Monitor EW-BU15


Easy Blood Pressure Control with Comparison

Past and current blood pressure values

are displayed for easy comparison,

a convenient feature for health




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Comparison with past data

Comparison with past data

Past measurements are recorded, so you can access and display mean monthly values at any time. At-a-glance comparison of your current (most recent) values and past values lets you easily verify fluctuations and trends in your blood pressure. This helps you detect blood pressure changes at an early stage.

1. Current measurement values
2. Mean past measurement values for a month
3. Period when past measurements were taken

* You can access and display recorded measurements from 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 12 months ago

Extra-wide LCD display for easy readings

Extra-wide LCD display for easy readings

The LCD displays large, clear characters that are easy to read even for elderly users. Diastolic, systolic and pulse measurements are simultaneously displayed.

Easy to warp preformed cuff

Easy to warp preformed cuff

Wrapping and adjusting the preformed cuff is easy.

The tube joint can also be rotated for easy use on the right or left arm.

One-touch auto inflate

The Digital Filter Technology uses a sensor to avoid over-tightening of the cuff on the arm.


Saves 90 sets of results: systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, pulse, date, and time.
(for use by one person)

Flash warning system

Blinking indicates whether each of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure is in the hypertensive region or normal region based on blood pressure categories.

Irregular pulse alert

To ensure maximum accuracy, the unit will automatically detect an irregular pulse and display a corresponding icon alerting you to retake the measurement.

Body movement detection

Accurate measurement requires correct cuff placement and keeping your arm or wrist still. The Body Movement Sensor detects arm or wrist motion and alerts you when another reading is necessary.

Cuff marks

Marks on the cuff indicate user’s optimal arm width. Users can remember personal mark for the next reading.

Designed for both arms

The cuff tube connection rotates 360˚ for easy use with both left and right arms.


Blood Pressure Monitor EW-BU15
Memory facility to store up to 90 measurements
Body movement alert to secure measure accuracy
Average blood pressure reading display

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