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Home Theater System SC-HTB570

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Match Entertainment Styles

A Multi-Positional Speaker with Bluetooth® Wireless Playback, a Slim and Stylish Design, and a 2.1 Channel System.



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Clear-mode Dialog and Dialog Level Control

Clear-mode Dialog and Dialog Level Control

Crisp Dialog from the Center of the Screen
By expanding the sound field in the upper front area of the TV screen, Clear-mode Dialog gives the sound greater depth. It also makes voices sound like they’re coming from the center of the screen. Dialog volume is adjustable to 4 levels. This function is great for when dialog is drowned out by the surround sound and is difficult to hear.

Bluetooth® Wireless Technology

Bluetooth® Wireless Technology

Wireless Music Streaming
Music archived on your smartphone or PC can be played back via Bluetooth® Wireless Technology. Enjoy clear sound with no worry about music signal interference from obstructions.
* The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Panasonic Corporation is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

Multi-Positional Speaker Layout

Multi-Positional Speaker Layout

Arrange the System to Match Your TV Layout
These speaker units can be split into two or three by removing the connecting hardware in the center. Then you have 4 great installation options to suit your room. Try a horizontal layout, or a 2.1-channel vertical layout and have them wall-mounted or free standing.

Wireless Subwoofer

Wireless Subwoofer

Simple, Flexible Layout
The audio signal is wirelessly transmitted from the main unit to the subwoofer, eliminating troublesome wiring and restrictions on where the subwoofer can be placed for complete layout freedom.
* AC power cord must be connected.


Home Theater System SC-HTB570
240W (RMS)
Total Power Output
Multi-Positional Speaker Layout
Wireless Music Streaming
Bluetooth® Wireless Technology

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