nanoe™X Air Purification Technology Delivers Strong Results in Aged Care Trial

nanoe™X Air Purification Technology Delivers Strong Results in Aged Care Trial

A leading Australian aged care provider recently engaged Panasonic to trial its unique nanoe™X air purification technology in two facilities in Albury and Wodonga, with an air quality analysis highlighting the true impact of such solutions in indoor living environments in Australia.

With Panasonic’s revolutionary nanoe™X technology, residents, staff and visitors to the facilities are enjoying a breath of ‘true’ fresh air as the 24-hour purification acts to neutralise harmful indoor pollutants such as VOCs, allergens, bacteria, mould and viruses, and reduce odours, creating a fresher and healthier living environment.

Australian Indoor Air quality experts Bell Laboratories conducted a detailed air quality analysis of the facilities, collecting samples from multiple locations within each facility before the installation of the revolutionary nanoe™X systems, and again two months later. It was found that odours were reduced by approximately 45 per cent and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) were reduced by approximately 50 per cent.

Leading mechanical services firm Air Everywhere were commissioned to install the systems. Andrew Barnes, Director of Air Everywhere explained the nanoe™X air purification technology – integrated in Panasonic’s new ceiling cassette air conditioning systems – was selected as indoor air quality is always front of mind for aged care facilities.

“As we all focus more and more these days on indoor air quality, and areas of concern such as bacteria and viruses, we are receiving growing interest in nanoe™X from a variety of industries including healthcare, childcare and education.”

“Aged care providers see the importance of investing in solutions that deliver real improvements and increased comfort for their staff and residents, however until Panasonic launched nanoe™X, these types of solutions were scarce. We are finding the nanoe™X solution to be very versatile with the complete air conditioning and air purification package, all the way down to the plug and play solutions.”

Australians are spending more time inside than ever before and indoor air quality is vital to optimise the comfort and health of people of all ages. With VOCs remaining a common pollutant in all indoor settings – released by everything from general building materials, through to cleaning chemicals – Panasonic’s nanoe™X technology plays an important part in neutralising common hazardous and harmful substances at particle sizes as small as PM2.5.

The technology also comes with industry recognition from the National Asthma Council Australia’s community program, Sensitive Choice, as an air purifying solution suitable for those with asthma or allergies.

Panasonic’s nanoe™X technology is available now in a broad range of air conditioning products to suit both residential and commercial applications, as well as a standalone retrofit solution. For more information or to request a quote visit: