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R32 Inverter NX Series Adaptive Ducted

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R32 Inverter NX Series Adaptive Ducted

Delivers superior air purification and convenience with a new IoT remote controller

R32 Inverter NX Series Adaptive Ducted units offer more efficient air protection with nanoe X Generator Mark2. These units have the extra convenience of a new IoT remote controller, and flexibility with the ability to be installed vertically in addition to horizontally.
  • nanoe™ X
  • Comfort Cloud App
  • Inverter
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R32 Inverter NX Series Adaptive Ducted


Capacity (kW)


















1Ø Phase

1Ø Phase

1Ø Phase

1Ø Phase

1Ø Phase

3Ø Phase

1Ø Phase

3Ø Phase

1Ø Phase

3Ø Phase

Adaptive Ducted








Outdoor Unit (Deluxe)











Outdoor Unit (Compact)











More Efficient Air Protection with nanoe X Generator Mark2

24-hour nanoe™ X Air Purification

Maintain quality air 24-hours a day by turning on nanoe™ X using the Panasonic Comfort Cloud app. nanoe™ X inhibits certain bacteria, viruses, pollens, allergens, mould, and hazardous substances found in PM2.5, providing effective deodorization and improving the air quality.
24-hour nanoe™ X Air Purification

nanoe™ X Effectiveness Proven in Large Space

The nanoe™ X fan mode reduced adhered odour by 0.7 levels* compared to natural reduction after 2 hours of exposure.
*A 1 level reduction in odour intensity is equivalent to a reduction of 90%. Note: (1) Testing method: Verified using the six-level odour intensity scale method in an approximately 378 m³ sized test room (2) Inhibition method: nanoe X Generator Mark2 released (3) Test substance: Surface-attached cigarette smoke odour (4) Test result: Odour intensity reduced by 0.7 levels in 2 hours (KT-19-015089-1)
nanoe™ X Effectiveness Proven in Large Space

Benefit from nanoe™ X Even with Long, Curved Ductwork

Combined with the strong static pressure, this model ensures pristine nanoe™ X air travels unaffected, even through multiple duct shapes at lengths of 10 meters, as well as making them ideal for use in larger spaces.
Benefit from nanoe™ X Even with Long, Curved Ductwork

Flexible Installation to Maximize the Use of Spaces

Industry-Leading Vertical Installation That Accommodates Even Limited Ceiling Heights

The new NX Series Adaptive Ducted units can be mounted not only horizontally but also vertically without the need for alterations. The unit can be installed in accordance with limited ceiling space and other building conditions. Our groundbreaking drain pan design delivers a new level of flexibility in an industry-leading vertical installation.
Industry-Leading Vertical Installation That Accommodates Even Limited Ceiling Heights

Compact Enough to Allow Ceiling Height to be Maintained

The indoor units have also been completely renewed, offering a 40 mm height reduction to only 250 mm*. Its compact 250 mm-high body means it takes up less space behind the ceiling, allowing for a higher ceiling in rooms.
*Compared to the conventional model range.
Compact Enough to Allow Ceiling Height to be Maintained

Smart Power Saving with IoT

A Next-Generation Remote Control Solution Optimised for Usability, Whatever Your Needs

CONEX goes beyond simple remote control to combine sophistication with simplicity, offering IoT integration that connects directly to a variety of apps for next-generation solutions.
Note: A wireless remote controller is provided with the product.
A Next-Generation Remote Control Solution Optimised for Usability, Whatever Your Needs

Smart Management of Power Consumption

Using the Panasonic Comfort Cloud app enables the air conditioner to be controlled from anywhere with a mobile device. Thus, there is no need to worry if someone forgets to turn off the office air conditioner. The power consumption can also be monitored to help reduce electricity waste.
Note: CZ-CAPWFC1 External WLAN Adaptor or CZ-RTC6WBLW/6BLW are required per unit.
Smart Management of Power Consumption

Enables Air Conditioning Without Disturbing Quiet Spaces

Features a low sound pressure level of 22 dB(A), as quiet as that of quiet whisper (1m). It is ideal for quiet and relaxing spaces, such as hotel lobbies and guest rooms, thanks to its superior quiet performance.
Enables Air Conditioning Without Disturbing Quiet Spaces

Wired Remote Controller

Besides Smart Control CONEX, conventional wired remote controllers CZ-RTC5B and CZ-RTC4 are also available.
Wired Remote Controller

Flexible Installation

The indoor units have also been completely renewed, offering a 40 mm height reduction to only 250 mm* and a weight reduction of up to 10%, all while maintaining the same powerful 150 Pa.
*Compared to the conventional model range.
Compact Body with Powerful 150 Pa ESP

The air inlet position is adjustable via a movable panel to allow both rear or bottom entry, depending on the duct installation.
Selectable Air Inlet Position



Photo of S-3650PF3E


Photo of S-6071PF3E


Photo of S-1014PF3E
  • nanoe™ Xnanoe™ X
  • Comfort Cloud AppComfort Cloud App
  • InverterInverter

nanoe™ X patented air purification technology

nanoe™ X effectiveness proven in large space by 3rd party

CONEX: A next-generation remote control

Air intake from rear as standard. Industry-leading horizontal and vertical design

Powerful 150 Pa ESP and space-saving 250 mm height

Leading-class low sound levels from 22 dB(A)

S-3650PF3E S-6071PF3E S-1014PF3E
Dimension H250 x W800 x D730 mm H250 x W1,000 x D730 mm H250 x W1,400 x D730 mm
Net Weight 25 kg 30 kg 39 kg
Number of Fan Speeds 5 5 5
Drain Piping VP-20 mm VP-20 mm VP-20 mm
3.4 kW: Air Volume (Cooling) (H/M/L) 233/217/167 L/s - -
3.4 kW: Air Volume (Heating) (H/M/L) 233/217/167 L/s - -
3.4 kW: External Static Pressure 30 (10-150) Pa - -
3.4 kW: Sound Pressure Level (Cooling) (H/M/L) 30/27/22 dB(A) - -
3.4 kW: Sound Pressure Level (Heating) (H/M/L) 30/27/22 dB(A) - -
3.4 kW: Sound Power Level (Cooling) (H/M/L) 53/50/45 dB - -
3.4 kW: Sound Power Level (Heating) (H/M/L) 53/50/45 dB - -
4.6 kW: Air Volume (Cooling) (H/M/L) 267/250/200 L/s - -
4.6 kW: Air Volume (Heating) (H/M/L) 267/250/200 L/s - -
4.6 kW: External Static Pressure 30 (10-150) Pa - -
4.6 kW: Sound Pressure Level (Cooling) (H/M/L) 34/30/25 dB(A) - -
4.6 kW: Sound Pressure Level (Heating) (H/M/L) 34/30/25 dB(A) - -
4.6 kW: Sound Power Level (Cooling) (H/M/L) 57/53/48 dB - -
4.6 kW: Sound Power Level (Heating) (H/M/L) 57/53/48 dB - -
5.7/6.8 kW: Air Volume (Cooling) (H/M/L) - 350/317/250 L/s -
5.7/6.8 kW: Air Volume (Heating) (H/M/L) - 350/317/250 L/s -
5.7/6.8 kW: External Static Pressure - 30 (10-150) Pa -
5.7/6.8 kW: Sound Pressure Level (Cooling) (H/M/L) - 30/26/23 dB(A) -
5.7/6.8 kW: Sound Pressure Level (Heating) (H/M/L) - 30/26/23 dB(A) -
5.7/6.8 kW: Sound Power Level (Cooling) (H/M/L) - 53/49/46 dB -
5.7/6.8 kW: Sound Power Level (Heating) (H/M/L) - 53/49/46 dB -
9.5 kW: Air Volume (Cooling) (H/M/L) - - 534/434/350 L/s
9.5 kW: Air Volume (Heating) (H/M/L) - - 534/434/350 L/s
9.5 kW: External Static Pressure - - 40 (10-150) Pa
9.5 kW: Sound Pressure Level (Cooling) (H/M/L) - - 33/29/25 dB(A)
9.5 kW: Sound Pressure Level (Heating) (H/M/L) - - 33/29/25 dB(A)
9.5 kW: Sound Power Level (Cooling) (H/M/L) - - 56/52/48 dB
9.5 kW: Sound Power Level (Heating) (H/M/L) - - 56/52/48 dB
12.1 kW: Air Volume (Cooling) (H/M/L) - - 567/484/384 L/s
12.1 kW: Air Volume (Heating) (H/M/L) - - 567/484/384 L/s
12.1 kW: External Static Pressure - - 50 (10-150) Pa
12.1 kW: Sound Pressure Level (Cooling) (H/M/L) - - 35/31/27 dB(A)
12.1 kW: Sound Pressure Level (Heating) (H/M/L) - - 35/31/27 dB(A)
12.1 kW: Sound Power Level (Cooling) (H/M/L) - - 58/54/50 dB
12.1 kW: Sound Power Level (Heating) (H/M/L) - - 58/54/50 dB
13.4 kW: Air Volume (Cooling) (H/M/L) - - 601/534/417 L/s
13.4 kW: Air Volume (Heating) (H/M/L) - - 601/534/417 L/s
13.4 kW: External Static Pressure - - 50 (10-150) Pa
13.4 kW: Sound Pressure Level (Cooling) (H/M/L) - - 39/35/29 dB(A)
13.4 kW: Sound Pressure Level (Heating) (H/M/L) - - 39/35/29 dB(A)
13.4 kW: Sound Power Level (Cooling) (H/M/L) - - 62/58/52 dB
13.4 kW: Sound Power Level (Heating) (H/M/L) - - 62/58/52 dB



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