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Enriching People’s Lives Around The World With Quality Air

Enriching People’s Lives Around The World With Quality Air

Enriching People’s Lives Around The World With Quality Air


Creating Value

Promoting wellbeing with air

Creating unique technologies that sense and reduce hazardous substances such as viruses, bacteria and allergens, we aim to deliver peace of mind in every breath.

Promoting wellbeing with air

Energising lifestyles with air

By tailoring air to individual needs in business environments and at home, we’re providing optimised spaces for a more productive, active life.

Energising lifestyles with air

Sustaining the planet with air

Building on our long history of innovation, we are creating solutions that conserve energy and reduce the emissions linked to global warming.

Sustaining the planet with air

7 Aspects of IAQ (Indoor Air Quality)

Providing optimal air quality for individual needs
by addressing seven aspects of air

7 Aspects of IAQ (Indoor Air Quality)

Our Products

Air Treatment

Ceiling Mount Ventilation Fan

Wall Mount Ventilation Fan

Window Mount Ventilation Fan

Industrial Type Ventilation Fan

Air Curtains

Air-moving Equipment

Cabinet Fans


Get in Touch

Are you looking for more information about Panasonic’s professional products and solutions? We have an expert team ready to help. Please fill in the form and a Panasonic Sales representative will contact you shortly.

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