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Quality Air For Life

Quality Air For Life

No matter where you go on planet Earth, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, air is an essential part of your life. By incorporating air conditioning and ventilation technologies, we help you enjoy fresher air that contributes to the health of both body and mind as well as a more comfortable life overall. Leveraging all of the technologies we have developed to date, we’re working to help every person in the world enjoy better health and comfort through Quality Air for Life.

Dedicated to air quality improvement

Each one of us breathes in 18 kg of air a day

Every day, each human being breathes in about 18 kg*¹ of air, which is equivalent to a sphere 3 meters in diameter. In contrast, every day, a person eats only 1.3 kg*² of food and drinks only 1.2 kg*³ of water. That means a person consumes approximately 15 times more air by weight than either food or water, and 15,000 times more by volume. Thus, to live in good health every day, the quality of air is even more important than that of food or water. That’s why we are committed to improving air quality for everyone around the world with our technological expertise.

Dedicated to air quality improvement

Invisible issues with indoor air environments

Even though you can’t see it, the air in your home and other indoor environments can easily get dirty.
Polluted air flows in unnoticed from the outside, and chemicals are emitted by wood and furniture. Also CO2 concentration rises as people breathe, while the humidity level increases as perspiration evaporates. All those factors will gradually make the room less comfortable.

Invisible issues with indoor air environments
Invisible issues with indoor air environments

Panasonic’s vision of a comfortable air environment

Panasonic’s vision of a comfortable air environment

1. Temperature control
Maintain the ideal room temperature for a comfortable environment.

Panasonic’s vision of a comfortable air environment

2. Humidity control
Maintain the ideal room temperature while removing excess humidity.

Panasonic’s vision of a comfortable air environment

3. Air quality improvement
Inhibit viruses and the growth of mould with nanoe™ Technology, and replace polluted air by ventilation.

Invisible issues with indoor air environments

Invisible issues with indoor air environments

Enriching Peoples Lives Around The World with Quality Air

One-stop Air Solutions

Panasonic is committed to continually improving air quality for everyone around the world with its key technologies and expertise.

One-stop Air Solutions

Innovative Technologies

Innovative Technologies

nanoe™ X is an advanced version of Panasonic’s unique, patented nanoe™ technology that is already known for its indoor air purification & deodorization effects. nanoe™ X is an upgrade that has 10 times faster air purification power, increased efficiency for inhibiting viruses and bacteria and better deodorizing strength.

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Innovative Technologies

ziano™ is a specialized technology of air sterilization for commercial usage, which inhibits bacteria and virus in commercial space by using the power of Hypochlorous acid.   


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Residential Air Conditioners

Air Purifiers

Ceiling fans

Commercial Air Conditioners

Ventilation Fans

A Better Life, A Better World

*1 Uchiyama, Iwao (Department of Occupational Health, National Institute of Public Health, Japan). “Air and Human Beings: from the Physiological Viewpoint” (1999). https://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110008447936/
*2,*3 Ministry of the Environment, Japan. Heat Illness Environmental Health Manual 2018, p. 32, fig. 3-2. http://www.wbgt.env.go.jp/pdf/manual/heatillness_manual_3-1.pdf