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4-Blade Blender MX-SS40

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Four-in-one Hand Blender for Everyday Cooking.

Simply switch attachments to blend,
chop, slice, shred or whisk. The grip is
easy to hold, and the speed can be
adjusted to suit the ingredients. Ideal for
both daily meals and party foods.


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High Blending Performance

A powerful max. locked wattage 600-watt motor drives 2 Straight & 2 Blending Blades for quick, efficient blending. Great for making fast dips and smoothies.
The Stainless Steel Shaft goes directly into the pan for soups and sauces. And you can adjust the speed to match the hardness of ingredients for speedy preparation.

Easy Food Processing

The chopper attachment simplifies preparation by mincing foods like onions and meat. You can adjust the speed to match the hardness of the ingredients and suit your taste, using slow for vegetables and fast for hard items like nuts and dry bread. Switching to the disc blade lets you slice vegetables. The whisk attachment prepares whipping cream or egg white, for quick and easy sweets.


The Easy-to-Grip Handle snugly fits the hand, and the Stainless Steel Shaft, Beaker and Chopper Bowl are all dishwasher-safe for easy cleanup.
The Hand Blender also stores neatly on the Wall Bracket to keep the kitchen counter uncluttered, while staying right at your fingertips when you need it.


4-Blade Blender MX-SS40
Four-in-one Hand Blende
To blend, chop, slice/shred or whisk
4-Blade Blender
2 Straight & 2 Blending Blade
Stainless Steel Shaft



Photo of 4-Blade Blender MX-SS40

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