Electrical Safety Recall relevant to Panasonic CP-JNF01FW Smart Pet Feeder and CP-JNW01FW Pet Water Fountain please click here

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Full-HD Entertainment for the Whole Family

This great value TV offers bright Full-HD pictures, customisable onscreen menus and flexible content sharing features, making it ideally suited to modern family life.


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Super Bright Panel Plus

Boosts Brightness to Make Pictures Look Crisper and More Dynamic

LCD TVs aren’t usually very bright when set up to look their best, due to the types of light they use and the need to limit brightness to aid contrast. Super Bright Panels solve this problem via a combination of a new panel-driving system, a panel structure that lets light through more easily, and a highly efficient backlight system.

my Home Screen

A Personalised Gateway to All Your Preferred Content

You can personalize the home screen with your favorite apps and content. “my Home Screen” makes it fast and easy to access whatever you want.

*Applications shown, and application placement, may be di erent from the actual screen which is customisable by the consumer.

Swipe & Share

Easily Share Smartphone and Tablet Content on Your TV Screen

Swipe & Share lets you 'throw' content from smartphones and tablets onto your TV screen simply by swiping your fingers up your portable devices' touchscreens.
Connecting your smart devices to your TV is now easier than ever, too, thanks to the latest Panasonic TV Remote app.

*Requires iOS 5.0.1 or later, and Android 4.0 or later.
*Requires a wireless LAN connection.

Easy Mirroring

Easily Reproduce What's Showing on Your Smartphone on Your TV Screen

It's now possible to set up a direct Wi-Fi connection between your TV and your smartphone or tablet, so that you can quickly and easily reproduce what's showing on your portable device on your TV's much bigger screen.


Super Bright Panel Plus
my Home Screen
Swipe & Share



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    Electrical Safety Recall relevant to Panasonic CP-JNF01FW Smart Pet Feeder and CP-JNW01FW Pet Water Fountain please click here