Panasonic Epilators
Hair removal made faster and smoother by Panasonic

A new Power Mode has been added which allows the discs to rotate at an incredible 2,900 rotations per minute. With 60 tweezers working at a time this equates to 174,000 catching points per minute.

One swipe is all you need with the double action of two rotator discs working in quick succession. What the first disc misses, the second takes care of.

The epilator head flexes through 90° keeping it close to the skin from almost every angle. This makes reaching hard to reach places easier than ever.

Gentle epilation either wet or dry:
The water-resistant design allows you to use the device in the bath comfortably. With warm water to soften the skin Panasonic water-resistant epilators can be even more gentle. Additionally, these epilators are designed for Foam Epilation. Simply pour shower gel directly onto the epilator head and fine foam will develop as you epilate.
Alternatively, if you prefer to epilate without moisture or are in a hurry, the Panasonic Epilators work just as efficiently when used dry. The variety of attachments that accompany the Rose Gold and Steel Blue epilators make it easy to perform quick touch ups in no time.

Remove more hair and smaller hairs with ease
The 32.4mm wide head covers a much larger area than conventional models do. In fact, it is 30% wider than the previous ED Series. This enables more hair to be removed with each stroke speeding up the process. The tweezer tips that grip the hair align perfectly so that even hair as short as 0.5mm, which would not be removed by wax treatments, gets gripped and removed from the root completely.
Double the efficiency
Double discs ensure that leftover hair missed by the first disc is caught by the second. In addition, 60 tweezers in total work to remove hair as efficiently as possible. The tweezers have also been made longer (by 39% compared to the ED Series) and given wider openings, which means they can grip and pull out more hair with each stroke.