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Courtyard Marriott Ginza Tobu Hotel

Shortens deodorization process times and saves labor

At our hotel, if odors remain in our guest rooms, we use a commercial blower to refresh the air. Only after confirming that the odors have disappeared do we show our guests to their rooms. Recently, foreigners have come to represent 70% of our customer base, and because many of these customers are concerned about odors, we have found ourselves spending more time deodorizing rooms. For that reason, we decided to start using the ziainoTM. We just installed casters, carried it to the room, and turned it on. After we started using it, the amount of time needed to deodorize rooms has been shortened, enabling us to increase the occupancy rate of our guest rooms. We're glad it cuts down on the amount of work our employees have to perform.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.
*Water must be added/drained when unplugged.

No. of units installed: 2
Prefecture: Tokyo Metropolitan Area
Owner: Courtyard Marriott Ginza Tobu Hotel

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