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Sleeping baby: image of Safety


ziaino® only uses naturally derived and salt and water to produce hypochlorous acid. The concentration is safe to use in manned spaces, emphasizing a balance between effectiveness and safety. 


An illustration of ziaino® water

point 1

Aqua ziaino® controls the concentration

An illustration of water solution vaporization

point 2

It is a vaporization method

An illustration of a checklist

point 3

The concentration of vaporized Aqua ziaino® is less than 1/25 of regulation levels

Why ziaino® is safe

Reason 1 :
The concentration is controlled by the electrolysis of salt and water.

How Aqua ziaino® is created

ziaino® produces Aqua ziaino® containing
hypochlorous acid through the electrolysis of
salt and water.

Electrolysis of
salt and water

An illustration depicting the electrolysis of saline water

Diaphragm-less electrolyzer

An illustration depicting the electrolysis of saline water

Slightly alkaline

An image of water bubbles

About the concentration and pH of Aqua ziaino®

The Aqua ziaino® created by Panasonic’s ziaino® is slightly alkaline with a pH of 8.5. The balance between effectiveness and safety is emphasized, making it safe to use in manned spaces.

Distribution chart of Aqua ziaino® concentration and pH

*In Japan

How sodium hypochlorite is produced

This is how a diluted sodium hypochlorite solution (strong alkaline) like household bleach is created. Industrial mass production technology causes chlorine gas to be dissolved to produce hypochlorite ions (OCl-)

An illustration of sodium hypochlorite generation
An image of various cleaning tools in a bucket

*In Japan

Reason 2 :
ziaino® is not a spray, but a vapor

Spraying spaces involves spraying hypochlorous acid water over a large area and usually involves the use of a high concentration of hypochlorous acid in unmanned spaces. However, ziaino® uses filters to vaporize and deliver hypochlorite (HOCl), which makes it different from simply spraying the space.

An illustration of a diffuser

Spraying spaces
Spraying Aqua ziaino® over a large area.

An illustration of water solution vaporization

Ventilation vaporization 
Vaporizing the solution and delivering it using a filter

Reason 3 :
The concentration of vaporized ziaino® is less than regulation level

The concentration of vaporized Aqua ziaino® volatilized from ziaino® is lower than the environmental standard (0.5ppm*) for chlorine gas in the air and is suitable for use in manned spaces. 

*Non-toxic amount (NOALE) from the EU risk assessment

ziaino® gas concentration at outlett

Non-toxic evaluation *1(NOAEL) chlorine gas upper limit

Less than 0.1 ppm

0.5 ppm

*1 The non-toxic evaluation (NOAEL) is a pharmaceutical term that refers to the highest value of exposure at which no harmful effects are observed in repeated dose toxicity tests using multiple dose groups. (0.5 ppm is the environmental standard for chlorine gas, but since one molecule of chlorine gas, the chlorine gas concentration can be replaced with hypochlorous acid concentration.)

Why does it have a peculiar smell

(like that of a swimming pool)?

It’s proof that the hypochlorous acid is at work.
The reaction of hypochlorous acid with organic matter in the pool produces chloramines (the substance that creates the pool-like smell). 
The pool-like smell is also a sign that the hypochlorous acid is working.

An image of the inside of a pool

Statements and claims are made in reference to specific researches and studies.
Due diligence by readers is advised. Panasonic excludes any liability thereof.


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