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Water bubbles: image of Features

What’s unique about ziaino® technology?

Here are some unique features that make ziaino® safe and effective.


An illustration representing the ratio of HOCl to OCl in Aqua ziaino® as 1:9

point 1

The HOCl and OCl- ratio of Aqua ziaino® is 1:9

An illustration of ziaino® water

point 2

ziaino® water is slightly alkaline with a pH of 8.5

An illustration of a cube representing space

point 3

Continuous effects through concentration control

1. A balance that is effective
in both aqueous and vaporized solutions

Aqua ziaino® has a hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorous acid ion (OCl-) ratio of approximately 1:9, meaning that it can vaporize slowly while maintaining its power to inhibit pollutant as an aqueous solution. It is also effective as vaporized Aqua ziaino® .

Line graph depicting the effectiveness of Aqua ziaino

note: From “Water Purification Technology” (with some additions)

2. Slight alkalinity for use in manned spaces

The Aqua ziaino® created by Panasonic’s ziaino® is slightly alkaline with a pH of 8.5. The balance between effectiveness and safety is emphasized, making it safe to use in manned spaces.

Diagram depicting Aqua ziaino® as slightly alkaline

3. Continuous effects through concentration control

The electrolysis of salt and water controls the concentration to demonstrate continuous effects.

Step 1

An illustration of electrolysing salt water


Salt water is electrolyzed to
produce a hypochlorous acid solution

Step 2

An illustration of ziaino®


vaporized Aqua
 ziaino® is released
with clean air

Step 3

An illustration of a cube representing space


Continuous effects
through concentration

What’s Hypochlorous Acid?

Hypochlorous acid is a highly safe sanitizing technology used to clean swimming pools, baby bottles and food, and purify in tap water.

Statements and claims are made in reference to specific researches and studies.
Due diligence by readers is advised. Panasonic excludes any liability thereof.


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