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Hotel Okura Kobe

Improves the quality of our facilities and services by deodorizing and inhibiting bacteria

Our hotel is popular as a landmark of "Minato Kobe" and celebrated its 30th anniversary in June 2019. In keeping with our corporate philosophy of always providing facilities, food and services of the highest quality, we started using the ziainoTM to deodorize and inhibit bacteria at our facilities. Whenever we feel the need to use the ziainoTM in a guest room or banquet hall, we just bring it in and turn it on. The ziainoTM is popular for its ability to deodorize more quickly and easily than sprays. We're also using the ziainoTM in our employee areas to help employees maintain their health so that they can provide their best service. We're hoping the ziainoTM is effective at inhibiting bacteria in areas where our employees gather.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.

No. of units installed: 2
Prefecture: Hyogo Prefecture
Owner: Hotel Okura Kobe Co., Ltd.

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