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Medical Corporation Tokokai Daiei Hospital / Tokoen

Added 5 units due to the surprising deodorizing effects of the first unit! Helping to achieve labor savings

Our hospital strives to enhance regional medical care centered on psychiatry, and is currently working on medical care for the elderly such as at our long-term health care facility "Tokoen". Because of a decision to fundamentally review our deodorization measures in an effort to make the environment of our facility more comfortable, we started using one ziainoTM unit in one of our 6-person rooms on a trial basis. Immediately after starting use, we were surprised that odors from human waste had decreased sharply. We then put the ziainoTM in a hallway to test its effects. Many people commented that they no longer noticed a smell, prompting us to add five more units. This reduced our deodorizing work which requires diluting hypochlorous acid and then spraying it. We are looking forward to its sterilization effects and would like to get the chance to try other models, including the compact model, in other suitable areas of our hospital.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.

No. of units installed: 6 units
Prefecture: Chiba Prefecture
Operator: Medical Corporation Tokokai

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