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Yamagata Prefectural Central Hospital

Relieving odor problems associated with endoscopy

In our hospital's endoscopy room, we perform special endoscopy procedures in addition to gastroscopies and colonoscopies. These procedures result in strong odors due to waste, excreta, disinfectant, and strong acidic electrolyzed water used for disinfection. Because air conditioning cannot help with these odors, we installed the ziainoTM on a trial basis. We noticed its great effects from the day after it was installed. Our hospital staff, including doctors, our nurses, and cleaning staff, gave it high marks, after which we decided to officially start using the ziainoTM. Although we run it from morning until night, because our inspection room is large, we hope that a model larger than the current model, which is capable of cleaning a room of approximately 73 m2 in size, will be developed.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.

No. of units installed: 1 unit (F-JDJ50-W)
Prefecture: Yamagata Prefecture
Operator: Yamagata Prefectural Central Hospital

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