nanoe™ Hair Dryer Certifications
The latest Panasonic Hair Dryers with nanoe™ technology have been tested and certified in a number of ways. Not only do they pass thorough product testing by an independent certification agency, we also ran a two week user trial with 35 women aged between 20 and 39 years, as well as our own in-house testing.
You can be assured that a Panasonic Hair Dryer with nanoe™ technology will not only noticeably improve the look and feel of your hair, you’ll have healthier hair as well.

Hair Dryer Test Results by Intertek
Intertek is a leading international product testing and certification agency who was consulted to provide an objective third-party evaluation and verification of the effects of nanoe™ hair dryers.

Hair Brushing Damage Reduction with nanoe™
Bundled Hair Brushing Test

The surface of hair after 1000 times brushing.

User Comparison Test for Hair Condition
User :
A total of 35 women living in the UK Aged between 20 and 39 years
Method :
The trial lasted for a total of 2 weeks with the Panasonic EH-NA65 hair dryer being compared to the users’ own hair dryers after 7 days of use each.
The testers were asked questions about hair condition, and asked to give a five-grade evaluation.

In-house nanoe™ Comparison Test Result
Effect of Static Electricity Reduction
Hair was electrostatically charged with a static electricity generator and dryers with and without nanoe were used to verify the static electricity suppression effect of nanoe.
With the dryer without nanoe, hair remained electrostatically charged while the dryer with nanoe suppressed static electricity.

Like to know more?

What is nanoe?
Discover how nanoe™ technology helps moisture to penetrate into your hair, keeping it smooth, shiny and healthy.

Benefits of nanoe
Moisturise while you blow-dry! nanoe technology helps to prevent damage to your skin and hair caused by dryness.

Panasonic’s Hair Dryer History
Since Panasonic’s first hair dryer in 1937, Panasonic has been driving the evolution of what hair dryers can do.