Does your Boutique Hotel share these problems?

Unhappiness about the room’s smell
There are many comments about the smell of tobacco in the hotel. Are you struggling to handle them?

Struggling to properly ventilate?
Guests want to be able to relax and unwind in their rooms

Handle unexpected malfunctions
You need to be sure that your air conditioning system is working properly
Tackle these challenges and enhance your Boutique Hotel environment with Panasonic

A pleasant space minus unpleasant smells
Our Clean Technology solidly deodorizes the attached smell of tobacco.

Fresh air management
Our supply fan helps guests relax; bringing fresh air and filtering polluted air.

Prevent opportunity loss
Panasonic’s AC cloud notifies you when something malfunctions. So you can make quick, operation-saving decisions in emergency situations
Treat every space to quality air

Keep your busy lobby pristine with ziaino™, nanoe™ x and ERV. Their combined technology inhibits pollutants in the air and on surfaces by maintaing fresh air.

Hotel Rooms
Guests will have a comfortable stay with our supply fans bringing in fresh air , while controlling CO2 and PM2.5, and with nanoe™ X inhibiting pollutants.

Ventilation fans take care of damp showers quickly. And nanoe™ X efficiently removes bathroom odours, creating the perfect environment for guests to feel comfortable.

Multi-discipline rooms
For greater comfort, nanoe™ X and ziaino™ effectively deodorise and clean the air, while ERV technology keeps rooms ventilated and fresh air flowing.
Remote management for ultimate convenience

Easy remote controls
With Panasonic AC smart cloud, staff can easily check and adjust the temperature settings for each place from one PC or tablet.

Energy saving management
Possible to visualize the usage of air conditioners in each guest room, and staff can control the air conditioners in a single operation while guests are away.
Performance score

Bacteria and virus inhibition:

CO₂ concentration:



Ease of installation:
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Our experts are waiting to design the best installation for your Boutique Hotel.
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Other Applications
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