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[DISCONTINUED] 8KG Front Load Washer NA-128VG6WMY


Superior Fast Wash & Hygiene

ActiveFoam System with 49 min. Active Speed Wash
and Hygiene 60˚C/90˚C


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[DISCONTINUED] 8KG Front Load Washer NA-128VG6WMY
Capacity 8.0kg / 1,200 rpm
Stylish and user-friendly design
ActiveFoam System with Fast Wash
Lifts stains away FAST with fine foam
Hygiene 60℃/90℃
Allergy care & bacteria elimination for delicate skin

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    for 8KG Front Load Washer NA-128VG6WMY

    This website ("Site Page") is developed and owned by Panasonic Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and its affiliates (“Panasonic”, “us”). By accessing the Site Page, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use, this Privacy Statement, and any other terms and legal notices on the Site Page. ok