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Ultrasonic Water Flosser EW1611W541

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Water jet with ultrasonic technology cleans up periodontal pockets.

Water jet washes away the concealed bacteria in periodontal pockets that cause periodontal disease.
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Ultrasonic technology

The shock wave generated by the ultrasonic technology amplifies the power of cleaning. It helps removing more food debris from the teeth and interdental pockets, even under the same level of water pressure.
Ultrasonic technology

The 3 benefits of water jet with Ultrasonic technology

A Panasonic irrigator forces out food debris caught between teeth with a water jet with Ultrasonic Technology, and flushes away floating plaque in periodontal pockets. The water jet can also be used to comfortably stimulate the gums.
The 3 benefits of water jet with Ultrasonic technology

Powerful water jet removes food debris

It features a powerful pump to provide high water pressure. It removes bacteria and food debris from between teeth with a powerful ultrasonic water jet.
Powerful water jet removes food debris

Water jet cleans up periodontal pockets

It washes away the concealed bacteria in periodontal pockets that cause periodontal disease with an ultrasonic water jet.
Water jet cleans up periodontal pockets

Gum care with comfortable, intermittent stimulation

Water flow containing fine bubbles of air comfortably stimulates the areas of concern in the gums.
Gum care with comfortable, intermittent stimulation

Magnetic handle, Large-capacity 600 mL tank, Dual power cord outlet, Nozzle stand

Magnet handle pit, cord holder for easy storing. When storing, the bottom of the handle doesn't touch anything so it stays clean. Large water tank provides sufficient jet washing time.Tank is washable in the dishwasher *¹
Convenient dual power cord outlet lets you pull out the cord from both the right and left. It comes with a handy nozzle stand that lets you store nozzles upright.
*1 Tank only. The other parts of product are not available for dishwasher.
Magnetic handle, Large-capacity 600 mL tank, Dual power cord outlet, Nozzle stand


Photo of Ultrasonic Water Flosser EW1611W541

Ultrasonic Technology
Accelerated Waterflow & Micro Bubbles

10 Power Settings
Customised Optimum Water Pressure

Large Capacity Tank
Detachable & Dishwasher Safe

Max. Pressure

  • 646 kPa

Water Pressure Setting

  • 10 ck

Water Characteristic

  • Ultrasonic Technology


  • 600 mL

Usage Time

  • 115 sec

Dish Washer

  • Tank


  • 100 - 240 V


  • 125 x 140 x 200 mm


  • 940 g



Photo of Ultrasonic Water Flosser EW1611W541

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