LonWorks Interface Controls Up to 16 Groups and 64 Indoor Units
Communication converter for LonWorks to S-Link integration.

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This interface is a communications converter connecting LonWorks to the FSV control network.
Basic settings and status monitoring is possible from the host connected to LonWorks, for up to 16 groups.
A/C unit settings from the LonWorks communicator.
Settings for each group of indoor units: ON/OFF, temperature setting, operation mode, option 1/2 settings.
Settings for all units: Emergency stop.
A/C unit status notifications made to the LonWorks communicator: Start/stop, temp setting, operation mode, etc.
- PAC_R32_Inv_NX_Series_Catalog_2023_VN (PDF - )
- FSV_Controllers_VN (PDF - )
Case Studies
16 IDU Basic Settings & Status Monitoring
Check air conditioner settings, status notifications, and configuration properties.
A) System Controller. B) LonWorks Interface. C) Centre Control Device (field supply). 1) Indoor/outdoor unit control line. 2) LonWorks communication line.