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Arkbell Group Ceremony Hall Sakuragi

We use 402 ziainoTM units across our 141 facilities

Our company was established in 1958 as the 4th mutual aid society for ceremonial occasions nationwide, and our number of facilities has increased to 141 including this ceremony hall. For customers and employees who use these facilities, we compared 14 products in 2020 with the aim of "further strengthening safety and hygiene". As a result, we decided to install 402 ziainoTM units the following year. Our selection was made based on our evaluations of the reliable Panasonic product, the fact that hypochlorous acid had been used for some time, and its mechanism of "cleaning all the air in a room". The instruction manual is also easy to understand and the usage method described in the manual is recommended for proper use. Through our use of ziainoTM, we are making an effort to further support our guests so that they can spend these important days of their life with peace of mind.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.

No. of units installed: 402 units (used by the Arkbell Group overall)
Prefecture: Niigata and Yamagata prefectures
Operator: Arkbell Inc.

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