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Improving the quality of air in the working environments of our employees

When renovating our offices, we, the Sakura Group, which has nearly 100 members of staff on one floor, focused not only on desk and chair equipment, but also on improving the indoor air quality. Because we decided to consolidate our company's main functions on one floor to improve efficiency, sterilization measures became a major issue for us. That's why we decided to start using the ziainoTM. Many employees now share their appreciation and mention how they can now concentrate on their work with peace of mind. This makes us again realize the importance of considering the quality of air in the environments where our employees work every day.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.

No. of units installed: 4 units (F-JDL50-W)
Prefecture: Aichi Prefecture
Operator: SAKURA GROUP; Sakura Printing Co., Ltd.; Sakura Holdings Co., Ltd.; Japan Planning Center Co., Ltd.

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