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Bridgestone Corporation Kurume Factory

Providing factory visitors with a fresh environment

The Kurume Factory is the first tire factory at which we started operations. Since it is a place of operation, we have many visitors, for whom we aim to create an environment that welcomes customers with the highest level of hospitality. For this reason, we wanted to make our entrance hall more comfortable and decided to start using the ziainoTM. After we started using it, hitherto problematic odors from our factory production site were reduced, and the atmosphere became refreshing. Even some employees have noticed the improvement. I had also been in charge of water management in the factory and knew that hypochlorous acid was used to sterilize tap water. I am also hoping that the hypochlorous acid will be effective for bacteria.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.

No. of units installed: 5 units
Prefecture: Fukuoka Prefecture
Operator: Bridgestone Corporation

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