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Sanrizuka Daiichi Nursery School

Highly reliable equipment for ideal childcare

Our school, along with our two other affiliated schools, aims to provide ideal childcare based on our childcare goal of helping children become "polite, healthy and honest". Aiming to enhance the advantages of group childcare, such as fostering sociality, we started using ziainoTM in 2020 in order to reduce the risks associated with large gatherings of people to the greatest degree possible. When making our selection, we evaluated the high levels of reliability and safety Panasonic products would provide our school, which puts the health of children first. Our school also promotes childcare in which children are urged to go barefoot when at our facility. Although we had been worried about odors emanating from children's shoes, after we started using the ziainoTM, we stopped caring about these odors. We are looking forward to the effects of the ziaino'sTM unique sterilization technology that washes the air with hypochlorite, a technology which is not found in other air purifiers.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.

No. of units installed: 3 units
Prefecture: Chiba Prefecture
Operator: Sanseikai Social Welfare Corporation; Sanrizuka Daiichi Nursery School

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