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Villa Inariyama Special Care Facility

Providing a sense of security for users of our facility

Our facility, which is a care and welfare facility run by the Takeda Hospital Group, is comprised of a special nursing home, as well as spaces for short stays and day services. We heard that the ziainoTM had been used to successfully reduce airborne bacteria and odors at another of our group's elderly care facilities. Upon hearing this, we purchased three units in April 2020, before later purchasing two more units. We placed these units at the entrance and corner doorways of our facility in an attempt to keep the air of our facility clean while reducing any airborne bacteria. Although we also tried using an industrial cleaning robot to clean our floors, it became apparent that inhibiting bacteria from surfaces that the users of our facility come in contact with is a difficult task. However, every time we smell the faint chlorine-based scent of the ziainoTM, we get a sense of how effective it is. We feel that this may be what makes the ziainoTM different from other air cleaners.
*Comments are based on personal impressions.

No. of units installed: 5 units (118 units used by the group overall)
Prefecture: Kyoto Prefecture
Operator: Kyoto Yujin Fukushikai Social Welfare Corporation

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